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Draco- 11th of April, 09:10

I was busy talking with Theo and Astoria as it was a long time ago when we last spoke. They just tell me about their trip to Milan when the door to the Entrance Hall opens and Blaise walks inside with a big smile gracing his lips.

"We might have a new big business opportunity. Unfortunately, the deal is only in French so I think Hermione has to take a look at it. I mean, she is the only one who speaks the language in the business. Is she available now?"

"I will ask her soon Blaise, don't worry," I reply with a smirk. But then we hear a scream. We look at each other.

Where did it come from? "The lounge.. Hermione's family," Astoria whispers.

We didn't need two seconds to burst the door open. My eyes immediately catch sight of Hermione's aunt Esmeralda with a maddened glance in her eyes as she stabs my wife in her shoulder.

Blaise, Theodore and Astoria run over to her and hold her back from escaping. In the meanwhile I run towards the falling Hermione.

"Hermione," I yell with tears blurring my sight. I try to wipe them away but it doesn't help. Hermione looks so tiny, so pale inside my arms. It brings back the bad memories of the war, the wounds she got because of the Dark Side: the side I was with.

Her eyes close and I quickly grasp for her hand, squeezing it tightly while mumbling soothing words to her. Then I turn my face to that awful aunt of hers, the one who caused my wife so much misery.

"Do you realize what you've just done," I yell at her.

The woman drops the bloody knife and stares lifelessly at Hermione. Her eyes seem filled with guilt but I am not sure anymore. Everything is hazy. I grab my phone with my free hand and call one of the Magical Numbers.

Since the end of the Second Wizarding War the Magical World had evolved by using Muggle products and technology, like a telephone. It was way faster than an owl anyway and very handy in case of emergency. This is why the hospital, St Mungo's, and the Ministry of Magic decided on using the objects in these cases.

"St Mungo's, who am I speaking with," a bubbly voice asks. "My wife is stabbed in her shoulder, is there any help available?" "We can, where are you and who is the victim in question?" "We are in 'The Combined Lion and Snake' and the victim is Hermione Malfoy-Granger."

"Oh, now I recognise you! You are Draco Malfoy!" "I AM BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT, MY WIFE NEEDS MEDICAL HELP!"

"We will send help. Maybe we can even fix the problem there. Yes.. yes, I've now alarmed the Healers. They are on their way. Are there any Muggles in your presence?"

"Yes, her family."

I hear footsteps and Hermione's whole family was now in the lounge. Eric runs with his son towards his wife, who still just stares at Hermione's unresponsive body. Hermione's mother faints, her cousins still cry and yell and Seamus, who had also run in at hearing the commotion, immediately walks over to me.

The woman from the hospital hangs up and Seamus kneels down next to me and Hermione. "No no no.. poor Hermione," Seamus whispers. I ignore him and reach out to grab my wand but Seamus holds me back by grabbing my wrist.

"Draco, the Muggles," he hisses. "I don't care about those Muggles, my wife has a hole in her shoulder!"

"What are Muggles, Sam," the cousin called Abby asks. The boy just stares at his cousin's body, lying on the floor, and shrugs with his eyes wide open.

"Love.. please wake up, stay strong for me. Please, for me and our little prince or princess," I whisper softly, stroking my wife's cheek.

The Healers from St Mungo's enter a few minutes later and take Hermione in their arms. We move to me and Hermione's suite and her parents, Seamus, Blaise, Pansy and Parvati(who just arrived on the request of Blaise and Seamus), Theodore and Astoria follow us.

They set Hermione in a chair and grab their wands. They keep on mumbling healing spells and 'Scourgify' to clean the wound from bacteria.

The wound disappears and just a fiery red line remains of the wound. "Dr-Dra-Draco," the weak voice of Hermione whispers and she slowly opens her eyes.

"Yes honey," I ask, quickly kneeling down next to her chair and squeezing her hand. She leans close to me and whispers into my ear. "I.. I hate.. that b.. bitch," she whispers softly into my ear.

I chuckle and play with her wedding ring. "Who doesn't?" She has a slight smile on her face.

"So Mrs Malfoy, you seem alright again. Just take rest for a few days and don't move your arm too much. I am sure that Mr Malfoy will help you with that?" "Of course I will," I reply and I lift Hermione out of her chair and into our bed.

I ask my friends and Hermione's parents to leave so she can rest. They leave the room but I hear her parents question the Healers in the hallway. I change Hermione in a clean white nightgown and a silky beige bathrobe. Then I place four thick cushions behind her back and pull the blankets until up her lap.

"Is everything to your wishes, love," I ask, winking at her. "It is, King of the Ferrets," she replies with a smirk. Ahh, the good years of teaching my wife the famous Malfoy-smirk.. priceless.

"Can you give me my book?" "Which one hun?" "Hogwarts: A History," she replies. "Wait, two things. One: we aren't at Hogwarts anymore. And two: you have read it so many times already, why again?"

"I know but it keeps interesting me, and now obey your wife and bring her what she wants and needs!" I bow for her mockingly and walk off, grabbing her book out of her luggage for her. I hand it to her and she smiles, patting the mattress next to her.

I take my chance and slip into bed next to her. She cuddles up to me, being careful with her shoulder, and we read the book together. After reading a few chapters I nuzzle my nose inside her delicious hair and mumble to her.

"I will never, ever let you return to those people, alright love?" She giggles. "Believe me Draco, I will never return. Grandmother can just come over at our home, but family reunions of the Granger family are a no-no to me now."

Hermione's Family ReunionWhere stories live. Discover now