Chapter 10

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My stomach churns as I swing through Will's window. After a week of lessons, he has finally succumbed to my endless complaints about their tediousness and has promised that today will be a change of pace.

"Good morning." Will seems relaxed as he walks into the room, placing some salted meat and pieces of fruit on a plate for each of us.

I settle contentedly into my usual seat on the couch, accepting my breakfast when he hands it to me, being careful to chew slowly and carefully in a manner befitting a lady. Will nods his approval and lowers himself into the chair opposite, lifting his bare feet up onto the table between us.

We chew in companionable silence, each adrift in our own thoughts. I take the opportunity to study him, not for the first time noting the strong lines of his face and the pleasing darkness of his hair and brows.

"So." Will swallows the last of his food and puts his plate down on the table. "Are you ready for one of your most important lessons?"

"Definitely." I can only pray that it isn't memorizing more long lists of names.

"Don't look so nervous. I've arranged a surprise for you." A devilish half-smile tugs at his mouth.

"A surprise?" I exaggerate the wariness in my voice as I gather both of our plates and carry them to the kitchen. A knock on the door startles me and the dishes fall from my hands, striking the counter with a clatter.

"Ah, right on time!" Will crosses the room in two long strides while I edge toward the window.

In the weeks we have spent together, I have met a few of his co-conspirators in various taverns, but never once has one of Will's friends come to his flat. I was under the impression that he guards his privacy fiercely.

Will opens the door to reveal a beautiful woman nearly as tall as he is, with pin-straight black hair and wide-set features. He ushers her inside, pulling her into a warm hug as my heart thuds heavily for a beat.

The woman draws back from Will, a happy smile etched across her lovely face. "Hello, Will darling."

"Jules, thank you for coming."

I suddenly feel extremely dirty and unkempt, standing with the pair of them. She, poised in a long blue dress with a white silk scarf draped carelessly yet carefully against her tanned throat. He, the perfect gentlemen and gracious host. I tug on the hem of my worn and faded tunic as I fight to wipe the look of discomfort from my face.

"Kay, this is Jules," Will says, a bit formally while Jules extends her hand toward me.

"I am so pleased to finally meet you." Her eyes light up as I grip her palm, which is cool despite the heat outside.

"Nice to meet you, as well." I use my best courtier voice.

"Jules has kindly agreed to give us a hand today," Will explains, accepting her scarf when she hands it to him.

"Oh? That's great."

Jules chatters rapidly, "Yes, and I have to tell you that I could not be more excited. I mean, you are gorgeous." She kneels down and begins rummaging through a bag I hadn't noticed until now.

I struggle to formulate a response. "What?"

Will laughs at my discomfort and I shoot him a look.

"Your hair is so striking. It is going to compliment this dress perfectly." Jules brandishes a piece of emerald fabric and holds it up against my chest. "Yes, this is divine. Oh my gods, we are going to have so much fun!" she fairly squeals, and I find myself wincing.

The Runner (Part I of the Runner Series)Where stories live. Discover now