Chapter 42

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The wall is cold, rough under my outstretched fingers. The darkness presses in on all sides, but through the gloom I can make out a weak, flickering light. I keep my eyes trained straight ahead as I cautiously force one foot in front of another, placing them gingerly on the stairs and trying to keep my unsteady steps as silent as possible. With one hand I clutch my dagger against an aching rib and with the other I lean on the wall, trailing my fingers against it for balance.

The battle fades behind me as I sink deeper and deeper below the Palace. I attempt to orient myself as I descend, trying and failing to gauge the distance. I should have guessed that the King would have an alternate escape plan in case of uprisings; likely, this tunnel has been in place for more than a hundred years. I kick myself for not having thought to seek it out beforehand. This is exactly the type of information I should have brought back to Will.

At the thought, I suddenly startle; I just left Will and Marc completely in the lurch. When they come back and find me missing, what will they think? I didn't even take a moment to leave a trail. Stupid, Kay. I stop in my tracks, for the briefest of moments considering going back up. What madness is this, voluntarily returning belowground after finally making it back up to the surface?

If the past days have taught me anything, it's that my madness knows no limits.

As if acting of their own accord, my legs awaken and continue to lead me down the stairs. My fingers furl more securely around the hilt of my dagger, but I am all too aware that I am hardly in any shape for hand-to-hand combat. My left knee trembles uncontrollably, my back is freshly torn from the fight up above, and the time spent with limited food and water has caused my vision to swim and my breath to hitch in my throat. It was blind chance that I defeated Harmen but I would be a fool to think I could be so lucky a second time.

I utter a silent prayer to the gods of fortune and combat, then offer up a plea to the protector of the underworld as an afterthought. Tonight, the King will pay.

Finally, my foot hits the bottom of the stairs and I find myself in a low-ceilinged hallway. The stone walls cast eerie shadows, their bumpy surfaces appearing razor-sharp in the weak torchlight. I pause momentarily, listening intently before I take a step forward, still trailing my fingers for balance. The tunnel seems to curve gradually to my right and I hug the wall as I sidle along, fighting to keep my breaths shallow and my footsteps light.

The faint glow up ahead intensifies as I move down the path. My heart is thumping so loudly I can almost hear it echoing off the stone walls surrounding me. After what seems like an eternity of breathless silence, I finally reach the end of the tunnel and a room comes into view. I press myself against the wall and wait, ears perked for any sounds coming from within. Hearing nothing, I lean cautiously around the arched entranceway, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness of the space beyond.

When I spy no movement, I wipe my sweaty and bloodstained palms on my thighs and adjust my grip on the hilt of my dagger. Steeling my breath, I hold my weapon upright and slowly ease around the corner.

The room is dim, lit only by a few scattered torches. It is completely bare but for a couple of low beds pushed against one wall and an assortment of wooden trunks resting opposite. I'd wager this bunker has been set up in preparation for a lengthy stay.

At the furthest end of the room, I can dimly make out the continuation of the tunnel. Feeling exposed, I creep across the bunker toward the gaping maw. The unwavering darkness up ahead ebbs ever closer and I feel all of my senses on high alert for any disturbances.

Finally reaching the lip of the tunnel, I place one hand on the archway and peer into the gloom. There is nothing: not the faint glow of torchlight, nor the echo of a footstep retreating down the passage. Holding my breath, I cautiously take a step inside.

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