Chapter 20

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By the time I have finished tracing the map and memorizing key passages, the sun has long since set and I find myself shivering from the cool night air.

I grab a blanket off the bed, wrapping it around myself as I cross the room to the open window. I welcome the fresh breeze against my face, smoothing my forehead where it has been tight with tension since I began formulating a plan to release the commoners held in the Palace gaol.

Over the last several hours, I have managed to piece together an idea that, if executed seamlessly, should implement the perfect cover for a couple dozen people walking out of their prison cells and straight through the front gate of the Palace.

I pull the blanket tightly over my shoulders as I look up toward the night sky, my eyes reflexively picking through the familiar patterns etched by the stars. Out of habit I orient myself relative to my old childhood home using a technique my father taught me.

My thoughts drift back to the nights spent with my parents and my brother, all crammed into the tiny flat we shared. I remember my father taking my brother and I up to the roof to get a respite from the cramped space.

"See that right there?" His large hand encircles my own as he points my finger up toward a line of bright stars. "That is the Fireline. It was formed after the Burn, when the ashes of our old civilization floated up into the sky. Notice how it begins at the horizon and trails upward? It is forever guiding you toward the North. If you can find the Fireline, you can always find your way home."

My eyes are wide as I fight to take in the million twinkling points above us. My father's grip tightens around me, warm and secure.

"I want you to remember that, my sweet Kay. This world can sometimes seem very big, but you are never lost so long as you can find your stars."

I nod reverently while our joined hands trace the distant mass of silver highlighting the night sky. Leaning back against my father's warm, solid form, I know I am safe and loved as he hugs me close.

Here, in my plush Palace bedroom high above the City, I can almost smell the warm scent of clay on his favourite linen shirt, remnants of a day's work in the mines. I shut my eyes tight, fighting to preserve the memory as my tired mind slowly releases it back to the stars above. I open my eyes and start to pull the window shut before changing my mind and leaving it open to the fragrant night air.

As I crawl into bed, I turn the next steps over in my mind once more; with only one week left until the ball, I will have to work quickly. First, I will have to watch the guards, noting their schedules and shift changes. Next, I will figure out a way to get down to the gaol so that I will know the various impediments between the commoners and the Palace gate. While I'm down there I will take stock of the number of prisoners, both male and female, so I know how many outfits I'll have to arrange for. Finally, I will have to organize several carriages for transporting people out of the Palace during what is sure to be one of the busiest nights of the year.

It couldn't be more simple.

Sighing, I flip over in my bed and punch my pillow into submission before flopping back down again. With so many pieces to contend with, I can't help but think back to Harry and Lara's warnings about my habit of taking unnecessary risks.

I weigh the concerns of my friends against the leaden guilt that has plagued me since I began flitting around in beautiful clothes, sleeping in a comfortable bed and stuffing myself with food every day. The weeks spent pretending to be a courtier have yielded no results; I had hoped that by now, Will would have made some progress toward his rebellion but he seems content to take his precious time.

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