Chapter 43

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Meg shoves the hidden door open, grunting as she struggles to support me with her free arm. Together, we make our way through the servants' passageway and back toward the entrance where I last left Will. There is the faint clatter of swords reverberating out in the main hallway; the battle seems to have receded.

We reach the entry to the main corridor and, with Meg's help, I manage to prop myself up against the wall. She peers out into the foyer, looking left and right.

"Do you see anyone?" I ask.

"No. I can hear fighting back toward the courtyard, though." She draws her head back in, biting her lip at the sight of me clutching my shoulder and breathing heavily. "For gods' sake, Kay. You're an absolute disaster."

"What else is new." I grit my teeth.

"I need to get help." She checks that her sword is secure in its scabbard and makes to step into the hall again.

"Don't leave me here." I cringe as the words fall out of my mouth. My hand is tacky with blood where it grips my shoulder and my left leg trembles. Weaponless and gradually losing the ability to focus, I'm terrified at the idea of being abandoned once again in a small space.

Her brow softens. "It will be fine, I promise. I'll be right back."

My leg gives out, making me sink to the floor. Meg rushes to catch me as I fall and eases me down gently.

"I can't take you with me, Kay," she says softly, brushing the matted strands of hair off my forehead. "Look at you, you can barely move."

"Right. You're right." I nearly choke on the words, the sensation of being touched so tenderly overwhelming me after days of cruelty. My vision swims again and I blink forcefully. "I understand. I'll be all right."

"Yes, you will." She forces my eyes to hers. Her expression is calm and determined and I feel myself trusting her implicitly. "You're still here. You're still with us. Just hold on a little bit longer; we're almost home."

I nod, my head feeling loose on my neck. I let it fall backward, reclining against the tunnel wall and allowing my eyes to flutter closed. I am suddenly so incredibly tired.

There is a stinging slap against my cheek and I start, my eyes flying open.

"Do not fall asleep," Meg scolds and I nearly laugh. "Do you understand me?"

"Yes, my Queen," I murmur.

"I mean it, Kay. You need to do this for me, understand? Stay here and count to one hundred. No sleeping under any circumstances." I hear her sword being unsheathed and shoo her away with my good arm.

"One," I say, for her benefit. "Two. Three."

Her footsteps echo down the hall and I settle back into my reclined position. "Four...Five...." The stone wall is lovely and cool against my injured shoulder.

I have lost my place in my counting when I hear someone sprinting in my direction. Heavy footsteps reverberate down the hallway, a familiar string of curses falling in their wake.

"There you are." He sounds furious. "What part of 'stay here' did you fail to understand?"

"You're not in charge of me," I mumble. I feel Will's warm arms around me, gently easing me to my feet, and I groan when my shoulder wound pulls. "Watch it."

"When did that happen?" he exclaims, exasperated. "Gods' sake, where were you?"

"You ask a lot of questions."

He taps my cheeks lightly and I grunt, forcing my eyes open. His gaze bores into mine, his expression concerned.

"Stay with me, Kay. It's time to go." His grip tightens around my waist. "Can you walk?"

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