The Talk With Louis

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Mercedes P.O.V
Conversation with Louis (Text Messages)

Mercedes: Lou baby why you didn't tell me about you and Harry.

Louis: Well I kinda put that behind me and I didn't want to bring it back up. I just kinda left if in history baby.

Mercedes: Oh.

Louis: So do you wanna tell me what you guys been doing over there? Because I kinda don't like you over there with him.

Mercedes: We don't do nothing I  barely know him.

Louis: If you barely know him why are you there honey? That makes no sense are you trying to get to know him. Because I can tell you he is not a good person.

Mercedes: No I'm not over here for that it's not my idea to come over his mom and my mom are best friends and my mom want me and Harry to become cool and start to hang out. But i don't know if that will happen.

Louis: Okay babe I trust you and don't want you to be flirty or let him flirt with you. I understand your there for your mom and I can't argue with that so it's fine I guess.

Mercedes: Thanks for understanding babe I love you so much.

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