Capítulo 14 - Hit The One - Part. 02

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Killian e o restante dos heróis entraram praticamente derrubando as portas da sala do palácio onde Henry estava, depois de correrem sem parar por um bom tempo.
Killian: Who...who is the guy, Henry?! – ele falou arfando.

Henry se assustou com a pressa com que entraram na sala, mas sabia que não tinha tempo a perder.
- Here. I found some things, some registers...I don't know if I'm right, but... – o menino organizou rapidamente alguns dos papéis que tinha recolhido, e pegou o livro de Milo que estava sob sua tutela. – I think the guy we've been looking the Shepheard.

- What?! – Todos fizeram, praticamente em uníssono. Milo continuou. – The Shepheard? The author of the diarie?
- Yes. – Respondeu Henry.
- But it doesn't make any sense!
- Actually, it does. Why not?
- How can he be still alive?
- Your wife is. And she has hundreds of years! – Kida e Milo se olharam. - The guy was Atlantian. And aparently he knew a lot about his land. See. – Henry abriu o diário. – He wrote thousands of important things.
- Yes, I know, it was what made me find it!
- Also, there was some...tendentious writings...I did some analysis and he did not seem to be so in favor of his leaders...
- What does it prove? I didn't get it. – Snow perguntou.
- His last writings was about some trip he would make. I think it was when he lost the diarie. He left Atlantis on his own. THIS doesn't prove anything yet, but...I found his name. He wrote his name in the diarie.
- I...I knew there was his name in this...but...I'd never think...I mean, I'd never think he would even be alive... – Falou Milo, sem conseguir evitar senti culpa. Kida olhou e tocou-o com ternura, para garantir-lhe que ele não tinha culpa nenhuma.

Killian: So what?? It's a name. Where is the important part?
Henry: For a long time I only had some dates and a name. It was when I was looking for some old archives of the kingdom that things changed. – Henry pegou um papel que estava um pouco mais longe, mas dessa vez, antes de falar, ele correu os olhos pela sala e deu falta da mãe, do avô e de Mikaila. Todos estavam lá, exceto os três.

- Wait. – Falou o garoto. – Where is my mom?

Todos se entreolharam. Regina chegou perto dele cautelosamente para não assustá-lo, mas com um olhar que deixava Henry desconfiado e cada vez mais preocupado.
- Henry...

Ele deu um passo rápido pra trás e dessa vez falou mais alto:
- Where is my mom?

Regina parou. Respirou fundo. Ninguém conseguia olhar para Henry. O menino percebeu Kida e Milo se abraçando com olhares de dor. Killian sozinho, parecia completamente perdido. O mesmo olhar de sua avó Snow.
Regina: Henry...Emma, David and Mikaila were supposed to return this evening but they didn't. We came after them, but we only found some...signs...aparently they were kidnapped.

- WHAT??!
- But, calm down! Son, we're gonna make it! You called us in the right time, and now we can do something! We think the person that kidnapped the three of them is the same wich is hidding the crystal, maybe because they were close to find something important! If we find that person we can find Emma, David and the princess. So, keep calm. And tell us what else you have discovered.

Henry estava sentindo lágrimas quererem encher seus olhos mas não pôde deixar que isso acontecesse. Apenas respirou fundo tentando driblar seu medo e continuou a falar. Quanto mais rápido sua família entendesse o que ele havia descoberto, mais rápido poderiam encontrar sua mãe, seu avô e Mikaila.

- I found this. – E desdobrou um papel bem grande, marcado com escrições que diziam: "NEGADO". Era o projeto de uma fortaleza, a ser construída nas cavernas que separava Atlantis do resto do mundo. – He designed this fortress. With the trip he made, he came back full of ideas to show to the kings. He was excited. He wrote several thoughts on the project itself. Look. – Milo se inclinou para ler a escrita atlante. - But apparently... – o menino continuou. – The kings didn't approve. I got the project date. Began to read the king's records ever since. And I found a part that mentioned the name of the Shepherd. This part.

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