Capítulo 19 - Say Goodbye

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A rainha foi direto ao ponto, o que deixou todos em estado de choque.

Ninguém entendeu. Mas aquela frase pegou todos de surpresa e fez crescer neles um medo inexplicável.

- What? – Killian perguntou.
- Mom, why are you saying this?

Kida olhou para Mikaila.

- I'm sorry, sweetie...I just were too young to know...

- What. Is goin on? – perguntou Snow, preocupada.

- C'amon, let's have a sit. – Kida falou, especialmente para Emma e Killian que estavam ainda de pé. – I'll explain everything, I promise.

Assim, todos se sentaram na grande mesa circular no centro da sala e Kida e Milo começaram a explicar tudo. 

Kida: There is a prophecy in our kingdom...that says that from time to time, the Crystal ages and begins to die. And when that happens, it means that it needs to renew its taking someone of the royaltie to join it. Years ago, the Crystal took my mother. That's how I lost her.

Emma: Yeah, Mikaila told me about it ... I'm sorry.

Kida: The fact is that Atlantis is and always was an island doomed to extinction, because some gods, with envy, wanted to destroy it. Make it disappear into the ocean floor. The waters... around Atlantis would always be ready to do away with the island ... if we did not have the Crystal to protect us. The Crystal creates a kind of super-powerful magnetic field that holds ocean water in its place, and keeps the entire Island saved from being flooded.

Milo: The first great wave that attacked Atlantis came just before Kida's mother joined the Crystal. The Crystal was almost dying, but it still had the strength to take the queen. Thus, a new magnetic field of protection was created at the same moment, since the waves were already coming, but it was not enough to save the whole Island. Only a small part of it.

David: A small part of it?

Kida: Atlantis used to be much bigger. What there is today is nothing more than a fifth of the original area. Either way, we were protected and taken to a new place. But this wave almost led us to extinction. Many of the knowledge has been lost and we have lived the same way for thousands of years. Without technology, the gods saw Atlantis in ruins. They got what they wanted. But time has passed ... Milo arrived here - a rainha sorriu e acariciou a mão que segurava a dela. - We had our daughter and together, we rebuilt the prosperity of Atlantis.

Milo: But then, the Crystal started to die again. I did not want my wife or daughter to be taken away from me, so I managed to break this damn tradition. That's when I found your prophecy, Emma. And that was the greatest of my fortunes. A relief to my heart. It was certain that, despite what the prophecies said, I would not have to lose them. We built a new crystal, never to die again. One who lived from the light that the Savior would give. I wanted to bring you in soon, but Kida made me realize it was not the right thing to do. That you were a normal person with a life, and you should not have to do anything but gently give your magic pulse to the crystal. It was then that we perceived a hindrance to bring you here. A crystal was missing. Of a traitor, who was hiding. Someone who knew the prophecies and knew that the Savior would one day come.

Kida: I wanted to give up several times, Emma. Give up and join the Crystal. But my husband continued to look for him relentlessly. Until one day, Mikaila disappeared. And when she reappeared...she was bringing you. Our Savior. And...yes, I was angry with her at the time, because I knew what would happen if the Crystal died and we had not found the person. I soon saw that you were a happy person. With your parents and a baby brother. Husband and son. Friends. You were full of people who loved you, and it would be cowardly that something happened to you all. If I could, I would have sent you back, but the Crystal no longer had the strength to create another portal.

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