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"Carter this is Klaus, Freya, and Hayley. Elijah is the man we are saving." I said quietly as Freya preformed the spell to bring him back. Hayley walked out of the room after we got the hallow back, she needed to do something.

Klaus stood watching Freya, tears almost streaming from his face.

"It's alright, he will be fine." I ran my hand over his back and he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"I know." He whispered.


About a days passed and I sat on the couch in the lounge. Carter had not left my side once.

"I know we arent as close as we were but I really need to tell someone."  Freya jumped into the room all gitty.

I glanced up at her and smiled,"Me and kelan are official. I mean we were before but now-"

"You slept together." Carter finished the words for Freya. She turned a deep shade of red in her cheeks.

"So when can I meet this kelan?" I asked as she sat next to me.

"Guys somethings wrong with Hope." Hayley looked frantic as she whispered,"Do a reading on this. Tell me what you find." Hayley handed a hairbrush that had a couple strands in it to Freya.

"I'll talk to her aswell." I mumbled standing up, Carter went to follow and I stopped him,"Stay here."

I walked down the hallway and knocked on Hopes door before walking in,"Hey Hope, I'm back."

She sat on her bed infront of a blank canvas. She looked blank aswell,"You feeling okay?" I asked her. I stared at her trying to sense if something was wrong.

She just stared at me, I gave up and walked out. Before I could walk all the way out something sharp hit me and stabbed me through the chest.

"Hope!" I cried out as blood came from my mouth.

She let me fall to the ground and walked over my body. My world slowly went black.


Freya then went to Kelan and locked her in a room. She then knocked her out. They began to research how to fix Hope. The hallow has taken over her body.

Freya and Hayley had knocked Hope out and couldn't find Violet anywhere. Carter said he could smell her blood but they didn't want to get the hallow upset and attack. They didn't want to hurt Hopes body. 

Rebekah was also knocked out in that home, but just like Violet no one found her. 

Elijah and Klaus has teamed up with Vincent and Marcel.

"Sorry to break up your chanting circle but we are here for a book." Klaus smirked as Elijah began to attack.

"You have no idea the gravity of the situation that you are in." The one man called to Klaus.

"The explain it to me within the last moments of your life." He hissed.

"She had embodied herself in the greatest witch the world will ever know, someone you rather give up your life for than to kill." With that Klaus's face changed into one with black veins under his eyes and his eyes bright gold. 


Klaus and Elijah returned to the tombs to meet Vincent. They had the book in hand. 

Vincent had told them that Klaus had to go reach Hope and to tell her to keep fighting while they attack and trap the Hallow in the blood. 

Klaus had laid in the middle of a circle and be placed into Hopes mind. Soon he was in his home, but it was like a dream. He ran around looking for Hope and found her in the corner of her room. 

"Hope, I need you to be strong and keep your eyes open." 


I slowly opened my eyes and saw nothing but darkness. I was in a small enclosed area and could barely breathe.

"Help!" I screamed trying to bang on the thing I was in. 

I tried to listen and see where I was,"I hide from no one. Certainly not from a lowlife New Orleans king." I could hear Marcel screaming in pain. I needed to get out there. 

I put my hand on the object in front of me and focused. I still had the wood in my stomach and it hurt badly. There wasn't even enough room to pull it out, as if I was in a coffin. 

I breathed in deep and the thing busted open. Seeing the light of a room I ripped the wood out and slowly walked out. I was in Hopes room behind a wall. 

I could see Hope waking up and sat down next to her,"Hope honey." When her eyes opened she used her magic to grab me by my neck. I saw Rebekah laying on the ground limp. 

"Hope, fight her." I couldn't breathe. I was about a foot in the air and didn't want to hurt her,"Please Hope."

"If her love for her mother wasn't enough, It's not enough to save you. I put you down once, and you still got back in my way." Then she snapped my neck and again my world went black. 


II felt someone shaking me and I slowly opened my eyes. Rebekah stood over me,"Thank heavens you are alive." She smiled. She helped me up and we walked down the steps. Klaus stood there clearly upset and Hayley was no where to be found. 

"The three of us once had a oath, always and forever. Which now includes Freya and Violet. It also includes Hope. She is my heart....my soul. I will do anything to proect her, at any lengths to make sure she is happy. So I'm asking you, pleading, please help me save my daughter. " Klaus's eyes became glossy as Carter walked over to me and hugged me.

"I think I have a way to stop the Hallow. But that means it will end your always and forever." Vincent shot up from the ground. We all looked at him and he looked scared. 

"Well out with it!" Klaus snapped. 

Vincent began to explain the most craziest thing I've ever heard, he was going to split up the Hallow between the 4 Mikealsons. 

Sweet Dreams [K.M]Where stories live. Discover now