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      EVELYN ALYCE FRIEDEL walked away from the expensive yacht labeled "Queen's Gambit"

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EVELYN ALYCE FRIEDEL walked away from the expensive yacht labeled "Queen's Gambit". Her flip-flops made excessive noise against the asphalt of the parking lot, her pedicured feet moving faster and faster towards her car.

Evelyn had just said goodbye to Oliver Queen, a young boy she saw only as a brother, as he boarded his father's yacht for a small vacation away from Starling City. Unbeknownst to her, Oliver was watching her figure get smaller and smaller as she walked away.

He knew perfectly well that Evelyn didn't like him as anything more than a friend, and it made his heart ache. The boy cared for her, and even though he had a girlfriend, and a side-chick, he still felt as if he needed Evelyn. Evelyn was the one for him, he was sure of it.

     They'd been friends for years, ever since they were young. Evelyn's father, Chris Alyce, was a scientist working at Queen Consolidated, the company owned by Robert and Moira Queen. The Queen family became fond of Chris Alyce and his own family.

     Evelyn knew she'd never like Oliver in that way, as anything more than a close friend, but she knew Oliver had feelings for her. She didn't dare lead him on, for she knew that would most likely ruin their friendship, and that was the one thing she didn't want. She also knew he loved Laurel Lance, his girlfriend, and she would never dare get in between them and their beautiful relationship.

As Evelyn made her way to her car, she froze in her tracks at the sight of three men in suits and sunglasses leaning against her car. The two on the sides were tall and serious, arms crossed across their chests. The man in the middle was only a bit shorter than the other two, and he looked a lot more laid back, with a large smile on his face.

"Good afternoon, Miss Friedel." The man in the middle said with a thick British accent, removing his glasses. He was a pale Asian man, somewhere around his mid forties. Evelyn gulped.

"Umm... hello... good afternoon." She said nervously, "may I help you? That's... uh... that's my car." She said sheepishly, pointing back at her car that they were leaning against.

"Yes," the man said. "It appears it is your car." He pushed himself off the side of the car, taking a few steps closer to her. "And yes, you can help me." He said. As he said that, the two men that were behind him suddenly stepped closer and closer and while one of them suddenly grasped Evelyn's arms at her side, the other placed a rag over her mouth and nose, Evelyn quickly becoming dizzy.

"Stop! Please! St.... stop...." she mumbled into the rag, becoming tired, eyes growing heavy and knees going weak. The man chuckled.

"I'm James Fitzgerald." The man introduced himself proudly, "you are now a part of my army, Miss Friedel. Welcome to the team."

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