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     EVELYN LAID IN bed surrounded by nothing other than pure darkness

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     EVELYN LAID IN bed surrounded by nothing other than pure darkness. The deep cut on her forehead that had been recently stitched throbbed with pain. She hadn't even noticed before that she had a cut. Evelyn didn't mind the pain, though. She was used to the physical pain. Evelyn was used to all kinds of pain. That is, after all, what she was trained for.

       Evelyn sighed and pushed herself off of the comfortable bed, stretching before pulling out a black catsuit, heavy combat boots, and Kevlar armor from her closet.


     "Oh, come on, Miss Friedel! It's a bloody bird!" Fitzgerald commanded angrily as he continued to push Evelyn into snapping a pigeon's neck.

     "I— I can't kill it! Please! Stop this! Don't make me do it!" Evelyn loudly sobbed, currently missing her home and missing her family. She didn't want any of this. She didn't want to become whatever they were trying to turn her into. She wouldn't succumb to the darkness. At least, she'd try not to.

     "Kill the bloody bird, or I kill you!" Fitzgerald threatened as he pulled out a gun from his waistband, aiming it at the back of Evelyn's head before cocking the gun. Evelyn closed her eyes, twisting her hands in opposite directions as the pigeon flapped it's wings before it's neck cracked, killing it instantly. Her sobs echoed in the large concrete room and Fitzgerald chuckled, tucking the gun away.

     "Good. Again." He spat. Evelyn dealt with killing pigeon after pigeon for days, until eventually she felt cold towards the action; the more pigeon's necks she snapped, the colder she became... She told herself she wouldn't succumb to the darkness, but it was either accepting her fate or dying.

      And she wasn't ready to die.


     Evelyn wandered the rooftops of Starling City that night, mostly her own and stalking the Queen household, though this wasn't her first time doing so. A few months before she began her escape plan at Hydra, she would sneak out at night and wander the rooftops of Starling City, crossing paths with the authorities and the Arrow himself quite a few times. Evelyn always managed to escape, never letting herself get caught. She wouldn't allow anyone to catch her, not again.

       Evelyn hadn't caught the slightest glimpse of Oliver at the Queen mansion, for she knew he was out doing his vigilante activities. She might've been missing for years, but she knew a lot about what happened in Starling City. She knew that her old best friend Oliver Queen was the vigilante known as the Arrow, yet she didn't know much other than that.

     Years before, Evelyn was sent on a mission to investigate the Starling City vigilante back when he was first spotted, Fitzgerald making it her mission to find out who the face under the hood belonged to. It wasn't easy, seeing as she couldn't catch him, but she managed. Oliver was never easy to understand, but she eventually figured it out. She connected the dots and found out it was Oliver under the hood the whole time, and she was forced to tell Fitzgerald about him.

     Fitzgerald didn't seem to care who the person was in the end, for all he wanted was to see Evelyn suffer, knowing her best friend wasn't dead like she'd thought and she couldn't even give him a much needed hug.

     "Don't move, stay right where you are." A deep voice being masked by a voice scrambler spoke behind her, the sound of a bow being pulled back catching her attention. She smirked, turning around and reaching down to her belt as she switched on her own voice scrambler.

     "Well, if it isn't the Starling City vigilante himself." Evelyn teased, crossing her arms as she smirked. Her black skintight catsuit hugged her body tightly with Kevlar over it to protect her. She wore a black mask over her face, covering the area around her eyes and her nose.

     "Who are you?" He asked harshly. Evelyn smirked, knowing well that Oliver wouldn't give up until he knew her identity.

     "That's something for another time, my friend. Right now all I can say is we'll meet again someday." Evelyn said and smiled, saluting to him playfully before taking a few steps back and dropping off the rooftop and to another, running off before Oliver could catch her and sneaking into her own room again. She slipped into bed, smirking at the thought of being able to see Oliver once again after so many years.

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