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     EVELYN TOOK DEEP BREATHS as she prepared herself to enter Oliver's secret hideout at Verdant, his very own night club

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EVELYN TOOK DEEP BREATHS as she prepared herself to enter Oliver's secret hideout at Verdant, his very own night club. Evelyn clenched her jaw, walking down the sturdy concrete steps and examining all of the weapons and tools in the room, her eyes then landing on Oliver, who was hunched over a desk with some computers and next to him sat a blonde girl in an office chair, typing away.

"Ollie." Evelyn called out, letting her presence be known. Oliver and the blonde girl turned to face Evelyn, yet the girl remained silent as Oliver approached Evelyn, hugging her tightly. Evelyn returned the hug happily, peeking over Oliver's shoulder to look at the blonde girl, who gulped and looked away with a tint of hurt in her large blue eyes. Evelyn cleared her throat uncomfortably, assuming the girl had feelings for Oliver, and backed away from him, looking around the hideout in awe.

"So, this is the Arrow's hideout." Evelyn said and crossed her arms, smiling while Oliver nodded and placed a hand on her shoulder as he lead her towards the blonde.

"Evelyn, this is Felicity Smoak." Oliver introduced. Felicity Smoak turned in her chair with a bright smile and shook Evelyn's hand.

      "Hi, it's lovely to meet you, Ms Friedel. I've heard a lot about you." Felicity greeted cheerfully as Evelyn chuckled at the information.

"Please, call me Evelyn. Or Eve, if you prefer." Evelyn encouraged. "So you've heard about me before?" She wondered. Felicity nodded.

"Oliver has told us about you quite a bit, since you returned to Starling City. We'd heard about you once or twice before that, though. Lots of people really missed you." Felicity said awkwardly, not wanting to slip up and say that Oliver had really missed her, although it was true, and Evelyn caught onto the double meaning quickly, but decided not to comment on it.

"Well, I had a few friends I left behind, I'm sure they probably did miss me." Evelyn voiced in a teasing matter and chuckled. Oliver smiled softly as Felicity tried to ignore the look on Oliver's face whenever he looked at Evelyn. Felicity nodded.

"Right," Felicity said with a smile. "Anyways, if you'll excuse me, I should be heading home." Felicity blurted as she rose from the chair and took her blue sweater and bag that were hanging on the backrest of the chair.

"Already?" Evelyn questioned with a small frown. She quite liked Felicity in the short time they'd known each other. Felicity looked at Evelyn with a look of deep thought on her face.

"Umm... yeah." Felicity mumbled, "It's getting pretty late." Felicity pointed out. She smiled and turned to Oliver, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Oliver." She said softly. Oliver nodded, about to speak but shutting his mouth instead as he watched Felicity walk away. Once Felicity was out of sight and earshot, Evelyn spoke up.

"She has feelings for you, you know?" Evelyn informed with a smirk. She crossed her arms and looked at Oliver. He rolled his eyes as he turned to look at her.

"No she doesn't, we just... make a good team." Oliver voiced unconvincingly. Evelyn gave him a sly smirk and cocked a brow, tilting her head.

"Uh huh." Evelyn hummed incredulously. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, Queen."

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