Chapter 25

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     Petra's eyes fluttered open, her sweet and peaceful sleep had been interrupeted by the noisey sounds of giggles and squeaky creaking of the bed next her. She crankily turned over, her body aching in protest from the event of the night before.
     The dungeon she had been sleeping in was cold, and dank. There was always an echo, or a shuffle. It creeped her out. The scuffing of boots against the rock under them from the soldiers that guarded the cell she was in. But she wasn't the one they were guarding, it was the horribly wounded boy that was in the bed next to her's, but she wasn't the only one in the cell.
      She rolled over, painfully. And saw Krista sitting on her knees on Eren's bed next to his legs. She giggled as she tossed a grape in the air. The currently one eyed boy was leaning for it, and actually managed to have it land in his mouth. He chewed it in a saitisfied manner. His cheeks were full of grapes, they had obviously been doing this for a while.
      She let out another giggle and covered her mouth before before dipping her hand in the bag in her arms and took another grape out. The girl then tossed it in the air again, in which he caught it again. He chewed even more before swallowing. He had a smile on his face.
      His arms were bandaged up to his shoulders and one side of his face was completely bandaged. His chest was as well, because when he lost conciousness, he continued. Commander Erwin had to order him to stop. Petra cringed as she thought of the trial again.

    Petra watched helplessly as Eren was tortured, his white button up ahirt was covered in blood, there was more red than white. His eyes had started to droop, and eventually they stayed down, honsstly she was happy. He would feel no more pain. And that made her feel a little safer.
     But when she thought he was done he walked toward one of the torches that was mounted on the wall. Even though he was short he managed to jump and grab it. Levi then turned back around and walked toward Eren again.
     He grinded the cherry of the torch on Eren's abdomen, and the rest was history...

     Petra shook that memory way, not wanting to relive seeing Levi like that. She looked back at Krista. The blonde girl reached back into the bag and russled around in it. Her tounge stuck out in between in her lips in concentration and her eyes looked up. But after a few seconds of looking in the rough-felt sack she looked at Eren.
      "Well it seems like I'm out of grapes," she told him, her face dropping.
      "Aw man," his face fell as well. Petra giggled.
      She caught their attention. The two looked at her. But in honesty she was jealous of Krista. Her stae of health and her position with Eren. She was with Eren when his war startee, when it began. And chances were she would be with him when it ended. Petra hoped she was too.
      "Oh hey Petra," Eren greeted her cheerfully. "I didn't realize you were awake," the one half of his face that wasn't bandaged was showing happiness.
       "I just woke up," she replied drowsily, pulling her blanket up closer to her body. The warmth was very comforting.
      "Well how are you feeling? I heard you took a nasty fall during training," Eren asked her. She gave him a weird look.
     Krista looked at her and winked. Now she got it. They were keeping this from him so that he didn't go ballistic on Levi. She nodded back, but Eren seemed to notice their little exchange. He questioned them.
     "What's going on?" Eren asked.
      "Just a thing between girls," Krista replied sweetly.
      "Whatever," he dismissed it before leaning back to look at the ceiling.
       Petra internally sighed in relief, he didn't seem to care. That was a plus.
      "EREN!" A qsychotic screech filled their ears.
      "Oh God no," she heard Eren panic. He sat up again, looking around frantically.
      "EREN!" The person screeched again.
      Suddenly the frantic and insane face of Hanji held onto to the bars of the cell that held them. She stared at them, panting heavily with a smile on her face. Her eyes darted between the three. The two guards at the cell door jumped back and let the woman do her thing.
      "I have permission," she told them. No one knew what she meant. She unlocked the cell door and forced it open.
       "I have permission!" She repeated again.
       Before anyone in the room could even process what was going on she had jumped on Eren's bed, knocked off Krista, and was currently clawing at his carved hands. She managed to get a good clamp and claw, tearing the guaze off of them. He would roar in pain every time. He managed to get his foot onto her abdomen and kicked her off of the bed. And by this time Krista had recovered and was doing her best to hold the crazy scientist off from him.
     Eventually Hanji calmed down. Her eyes were twitching, and her hair was more frazzled than usual. Ths qsycotic look never changed as she stared at Eren. He was panting. She drew blood. His guaze was slowly being stained a crimson red. The stain spread.
      "Eren," she laughed out. He looked at her in hate.
      "What the hell is wrong wih you?" He asked. She had quit protesting against Krista and was now leaning on her.
     "Concentrate, imagine that you arms and head was healed," she explained.
     "What are you talking about?" He asked again.
     "You're a Titan, you can heal," she was still leaning. She was obviously restraining herself.
     He looked at his bandaged arms, and felt his damaged face. Then he concentrated. He tried to pull the instinct out of himself. His head started to hurt and his arms started to tingle.
      "It's working," Petra called out amazed. She had been too shocked to do anything, and was sitting up.
      "It is," Krista agreed, her awestruck tone a lot like Petra's.
       He looked at his arms, steam was rising from them. And the bandages had fallen off completely. His whole body was consumed in steam as he had an immediate recovery. Hanji was restraining herself from attacking him.
      "Yes!" She cried out, giving a fist pump.
      His arms eventually finished steaming. And his skin was back. He felt his face where the guaze had fallen off. His eye was back. He could see completely. He felt completely drained. But he couldn't wait to get back at Levi. He was gonna beat the hell out of him.
      "Now I need permission to cut you open!" Hanji laughed manically and skipped out of the room. She turned around before she got out of the room. "I almost forgot that you can leave now," she informed before skipping out again. "I'll be back!"
      A long period of silence filled the cell. The guards had left to get another work detail since he no longer needed to be guarded. Krista stood where she had been, Petra was sitting up in her bed. The silence sat there, thick as a fog. It was only broken by the occasional footsteps upstairs that would travel to their dank cell.
     "Can I have some more grapes?"
       Petra was still bedridden, the only difference was that now she was in a dorm instead. That dungeon was gross. Now she got to sit in the warm and cozy dorm with Eren, who at that moment was her caretaker. He brought her dinner up, and even gave her some of his. It was sweet, he was being very nice to her.
     He sat in the chair next her bed, she was still in pain. Her stomach was still blotched with bruises and her head still had a lump or two. But she ate as he sat silently in the chair. One thing she hated was that he would only speak unless spoken to.
       But she would continue training in the next week. Eren would be helping her around in case her muscles had atrophied more than expected. Hanji was continuously dragging him out of the room, in which he would practically cry when she did so.
     "Another test?!" He would ask her before she literally dragged him out.
      Petra scowled. Petra wanted Eren there, not at all times because he needee his own time to himself. But she still wanted him there, he would help her adjust herself in a comfortable spot in bed. Speaking of which she had just finished dinner and was getting sleepy. She stifled a yawn as Eren took the tray off of her lap.
      She saw him open the door and walk out, kicking the door closed behind him. She sighed. Why was he so damn noble? Why didn't he just do something selfish for once? Just skip out on training for a day. Of course Erwin would have his head but still. In the two years she had known him he wouldn't do anything harmful to a person. It drove her crazy.
     He came back a few minutes later. He walked over to her and sat in the uncomfortable chair next to her. He looked drained, his eyes had dark rings around them and they would droop every once in a while. Petra had told him to go sleep in the dorm but he had refused and said he would take care of her.
     "Eren?" She asked, her voice breaking the silence that had hung heavily in the air. He looked at her.
     "Yeah?" He asked, his voice filled with drowsiness.
     "Go to sleep," she told him, her soft voice speaking.
     "I'm okay," he replied as he stifled a yawn.
      "Go to sleep," she repeated, and did so until he finally did succumb.
      "Fine," he caved. "But if you need anything, and I mean anything," he emphasized. "Come and get me," he finished before leaving.
      She fell asleep.
      Petra woke up, a noise was what had stirred her to conciousness. She sat up and rubbed her eyes in an innocent manner. She pushed away the light headedness and looked around. She looked around, light flooded the room as the door opened, and the sudden burst jarred her for a moment. She winced and covered her eyes.
      "Petra," a familiar voice spoke. She knew who it was.
      The injured girl let her eyes adjust and looked. A young man stood at the door. Eren Jaeger was there. He had his hand on the door since he had just opened it. His silhouette carved a mark in the light that had filled the room.  He then walked over to her.
     He made his way to the foot of the bed. At first she had thought that he was going to stand there, but instead he had started to crawl. He made his way up to her, and she layed back down so he could continue. He was quickly right up to her face. She could smell his minty breath as he stared at her.
      "Eren?" She asked dreamily. Her heart fluttered at the proximity.
      "Yes love?" He asked her back.
     He did not just say that.
     "Is this real?" She asked. Was it? Was this some sort of joke? Or was it real?
      She put her hands on his cheeks, her thumbs lightly stroking his face. Her eyes fluttered as she elevated herself up. Her lips almost made contact...
       Petra woke up with a start, her breathing labored. What was happening? Wasn't Eren just there? Why wasn't he there? Was it all a dream? It had to be. She had imagined it all. She was so close. Why did she have to wake up? Why couldn't she just have him?
      In the time where half of Levi squad was killed, he was there. When Levi beat her he has been there so far. He had saved her from death against the Female Titan. She owed him a lot. But he one thing she wanted was him. And Levi had apparently noticed that. That was the reason he had tortured Eren and beaten her.
      She was worried about when Eren would find the truth. That Levi beat her. When he did Eren would kill him. And honestly she would like that, but then the court would probably execute him. They had already wanted that to happen but thankfully Erwin managed to convince the judge otherwise.
       It was still dark out, she could tell because no light protruded from the curtains. It was still dark out, which meant it was still time for sleep, and she slept a lot. She had four more days out of the week before she had to go back into training. Her muscles probably weren't doing so good.
      But right then, all she wanted was sleep. It would drown the sadness she felt realizing it wasn't reality.
     Sasha had noticed Eren's and Petra's closeness. The way Eren was always right next to her, and always in her room. It made her uneasy. What were they doing in there? Things? She wondered almost continously. She walked down the hall in her sleep clothes. A long white nightgown with her hair down. She was going to the quarters that she shared with Krista.
     She saw Eren walk out of Petra's quarters. He looked exhausted. His eyes had bags, his shoulders were slumped, he was stumbling around. Pretty typical sleep deprivation symptoms. His feet were dragging, and his eyes drooped every few seconds. He walked in her direction. She was gonna make another move like when they were trainees.
     "Hey Eren!" She had been planning this confrontation for a while.
      "Oh hey Sasha," he replied, stopping his journey when he got near her.
     "How are you feeling?" She asked him.
     "Tired," he replied.
     "You look tired," she agreed.
     "Well I'm going to bed," he told her.
     "What?" He asked.
      She walked up closer to him. He stepped back. She got closer. He stepped back. Eventually his back hit the wall. She stepped closer. The girl engulfed him in a hug. He returned it. Albeit awkwardly. She stayed like that for a while. Eren was obviously getting uncomfortable. She spoke up.
      "You know that time I kissed you?" She asked him, her head on his chest.
      "Y-Yeah?" He asked. He didn't like thinking about his trainee days.
      "Wanna do it again?" She asked. She didn't wait for an answer.
      Her lips smashed into his. She felt him jolt stiff. He was very scared, that she felt. But he never pushed away. So that was a good wign. She didn't stop the kiss, refusing to let go, but someone had to ruin it.
     "What the hell is going on here?!" A voice screeched.
       Sasha pulled back, turning to see who it was. A girl with long blonde hair stood there in a nightgown shockingly similar to the one she wore. Krista. Damn. This girl was gonna be the death of her. Literally. She looked ready to charge.
       "Why are you doing that?!" Krista freaked. She stomped on the hardwood floor below them.
       "Because I wanted to!" Sasha screamed back.
       Krista stomped over to the two, dividing them. Eren stood there, scared of what would happen next. He was awake now, there was no way that he would fall asleep any time soon. The two were arguing, but he tuned them out, thinking happy thoughts.
      "Then in that case I will too!" Suddenly Krista yanked him by the shirt to her height and gave him a wet and slobbery kiss right on the mouth, staying there like that for a good long while.
       "Fine!'' Sasha screamed. She pulled him down and did the same as Krista. When she was fi ished Krista did it again.
     They alternated like that for a while, Eren was in heaven. But eventually he managed to slip out of the commotion. He went to bed while the two girls stood in the hall way screaming at eachother. They eventually caught on and did the same. But not without a few kicks and punches were exchanged.
       Petra listened to Krista drone on, she had one more day before she was back on the training schedule. The girl was laying in bed still, boredom was a constant battle for her. She couldn't wait for training. Eren had been absent too long so Hanji made him join training again. He was currently going through ODM training. Not like a guy of his skill needed it. Eren could solve their Titan course with his eyes closed.
      "Yeah, and Sasha kissed Eren!" Krista exclaimed. Typical teenager, even if they were soldiers.
      "Wait what?" Petra asked. Her blood started to boil.
      "Yeah, and after she did, I did!" Krista yelled. "Thinking she can take the man I love!" She squealed.
      "You what?!" Petra roared.
      "I kissed him!" Krista roared back.
      "You bitch!" Petra insulted.
      "Takes one to know one!" Krista retorted.
      "Then I'm a bitch!" Petra was pissed. She was out of bed and chasing Krista around the room. She jumped on top of her bed. They trashed the room, trash was everywhere, and breakfast was smeared across the wall.
      "He loves me!" Krista bragged as she ran, even though she didn't know if it was true or not.
      "Did he say that?" Petra asked, stopping in her tracks.
      "Well... no," Krista admitted. "But I know he does," the girl was getting cocky.
     At that moment Mikasa walked in. She took one look at Petra, who was standing on top of the bed, and Krista was standing in the corner. She slowly backed out and closed the door behind her. The two resumed their fight, Krista ran in circles trying to dodge Petra.
     That evening, everyone was in the mess hall. Eren was sitting at his usual table trying to eat, but Sasha, Petra, Mikasa, and Krista were surrounding him. He ate his paste, the others did the same. But when he finished he scraped half of his food into Sasha's bowl. Another sloppy kiss on the cheek was given.
      The other girls glared, in which she smirked. Eren left the mess hall without a word.
     "Ha ha!" Sasha laughed out, no one seemed to care. They all had their on conversations going on. Reiner took Eren's place at the table, trying to snake his arm around Krista's waiste. She slapped him in the face. He covered his face. He stayed at the table, but didn't try it again.
      After Petra finished dinner, she walked to the boys' dorms. She was going to assert her authority over the rookies. The ones that wanted Eren. She knocked on the door. When he answered she did what the other girls had done. She smacked her lips on his and practically sucked his face. He didn't stand a chance. She kicked the door closed behind them. Hopefully everyone else was still at dinner, since they had finished early so she figured they had around twenty minutes.
       She didn't break the kiss until she had pushed him down on a bed. She took off her battle jacket, and started working on her dress shirt. But he stopped her, she expected a disgusting look on his face. But instead she saw one of humor and kindness.
     "Let's not do this," he told her.
      She felt crestfallen, maybe it wasn't her. She wanted to cry. Why didn't he like her? Was she weird? Clingy? She didn't know.
      "Please," she leaned into him, craning her back she did so.
      "No," he replied, "we aren't a thing yet," his face was still a smile.
       "Yet?" She perked up,
        "Yet," he confirmed. He then buttoned up the two buttons she had gotten on her shirt.


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