Chapter 30

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    hey! I wanted to tell yall about a story that i personally think is really good. It has lemon in (which i skip because i dont like them) but it is by.
     They are very good at writing. It's an Annie x OC. They are a very good artist too. So go check it out for me!

      Mikasa woke up to the creaking floorboards down the hall from her quarters. She figured it was possibly Krista or Petra getting up to go to the restroom. But when she looked up at the door she always kept open, she saw Eren. He quietly crept through the hallway, occasionally hitting a creqky floorboard. He was eventually out of site.
     She got up quietly, her feet aching against the hardwood floor. She slightly shuffled to avoid the pain. Then started walking to follow him. He walked outside of the back entrance, stopping under a grand oak that gave shade to the soldiers when the sun was up.
     She crept toward him, thinking she had been keeping quiet. Her feet still had a slight ache, the ball of her foot hitting the hard dirt that had been mercilessly beaten during training. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and kept walking. He was leaning against the tree, crossing his legs.
     "I can hear you," he chuckled. The laugh had no happiness.
     "Are you okay?" She asked, aalking behind him and wrapping her arms around his waist.
     "I don't know," he replied honestly.
     "What's wrong?" She asked concerned.
     "What's the point of this world? We're put here and then torn apart by beasts ten times our size, is that all God has intended for us?" Eren asked.
     "You believe in God?" Mikasa asked, surprised.
     "I believe there's something, there have been so many curses, yet so many blessings," he sighed.
     "Blessings?" She asked. She was still behind him, resting her head on his back.
     "Petra, Krista, Sasha," he explained. She looked crestfallen. He laughed. "Especially you,"
     "You too, Eren," her hopes were up again.
      "I'm so mean to you, but I love you, with all of my heart." His voice was stressed.
      "I love you too,"
      "I just don't know Mikasa, I want this war to be over, I want to wake up one day to see them eradicated," he was in tears.
      "We all do," she agreed.
      "You were the one I said that I loved at the trial," he whispered. "You were all I considered family,"
      "Really?" She gasped.
      "Yes, you were, and still are,"
      "Listen Mikasa, I will die in this war, but you don't have too. You could leave at any time, and if not I could talk Erwin into it." He offered. "I would love it if you could live your life in Sina, married to a good man that has a job. I would love that Mikasa, for you to be happy,"
      "But I already am," she whispered, getting on her tiptoes to get close to his ear. Her breath tickled his ear.
      "Not enough," he whispered back.
      "Listen Eren, I would love it if it were just you and me, it would be a lot better for us," she saddened slightly.
      "Krista said the same thing," he laughed.
      ''Really?" She asked, surprised.
      "Yeah, and I'll give you the same answer," he paused. "It's selfish,"
      "So? You've spwnt your whole life training to kill these bastards, why not do one thing for yourself?" Mikasa questioned.
      "Doing that onw thing could impair my abilities on the battle field, clinging to life is what holds a soldier back, weakens him," Eren explained.
      "The way a soldier should see it is that they're already dead, and that their friends are too, it makes them a lot more willing to fight the Titans."
      "That's kinda dark," Mikasa muttered.
      "Yes it is,"
      "Well I think I should head to Bed, Mikasa," he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. Her heart fluttered at the warm sensation.
     "I love you," he said as he walked off.
     "I love you too," she said back, sweetness in her voice. Her lips tingled.
     She went to bed herself. Although she did not sleep. Training would be a bitch the next day...
Again! Check out that story. It's called Annie Leonhardt x OC Male. It's very good. Again, Lemons arent my thing. But if you want some then go there! Pepethekekfrog is awesome! See yall later!


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