Chapter 29

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The number of reads I have... the number... It's over nine thousand!
Couldn't resist. I've been wanting to do it since I reached 8000. Lol

1 week later.

It was nothing but awkward for Eren, and he was very tired. If he wasn't with one girl he was with another. It was exhausting. He was so tired. He slammed into a tree during training, and it was not fun. He was lucky he was a Titan shifter.
But Armin was becoming more suspicious of Annie. He had told the story repeatedly for the past few days. It was getting repetitive and annoying. He was about to snap.
Sasha was always making out with him at night, he didn't mind honestly. He had enjoyed his time with her more than any of the others. It was still weird with Mikasa, and Krista was a very dirty minded person and very suggestive. Petra was about like Sasha, continually pulling into a private place.
While he refused to make love with them yet, he did enjoy kissing. But once again, Mikasa was a difficult one. She was practically his sister. But he was getting more comfortable with it though. The kiss could last more than a few seconds.
All he wanted was alone time though, and he rarely got it. He was continually on the training schedule. Erwin even had him attend strategy meetings and let him give in his two cents. Armin was there too, using his genius mind. Eren mainly stood back and only spoke if he saw a gap in the line. Which her very few.
All was well, until one night he had a little confrontation from his old unit leader. Miche Zacharius, the section commander. He was walking through the halls of the HQ getting ready for bed, when suddenly a solid body slammed into him. The wall behind him made a sickening crack.
Before Eren could even react, the assailant had pinned him to the wall, his legs dangling. He grunted and looked down at the person, Miche. He snarled at him. The bastard. He hadn't spoke to him since before the courtcase. A man he had once considered his friend.
His long blonde hair covered his eyes, and his neatly trimmed beard was a little longer than usual. A man who's skills were known as only second to Captain Levi's. Eren had thought that they had eachother's back. But he was wrong.
"What the hell Miche?!" Eren questioned, still being held up.
"The Titan speaks," Miche laughed out. He had no idea how much that would bite him in the ass later.
"Sh-Shut up!" Eren stuttered. He hated being called that. He was not a Titan.
"I should kill you right now," Miche started to choke him.
"You can try," Eren choked out.
"I don't have to," Miche applied more pressure.
"Why?" Eren managed out, barely concious. He lessened his pressure. Miche got in close to his ear.
"Because you're nothing but a thing, we all hate you," Miche grinned. "And we all hate you, the bane of humanity's existence. You aren't human, Not Human." Miche laughed. "So what? Your mom died, mine did too, only difference is yours was munched on, mine died from disease. It happens to all of us,"
Was he always this sadistic? Had Miche been like this when they were in the same unit? This was unreal. And while it hurt, it sparked a fire in Eren Jaeger, one that had never been sparked before. Eren's rage was risen to a height he had never had for anyone.
Miche was suddenly the one hoisted up, gasping for breath. Eren held him up one handed and started to slowly close in on his throat. Miche looked down at him, fear suddenly etched in his eyes. And for good reason.
"Huh? I'm not human?" Eren asked shakily. His Titan strength had formed into his human body "I am more of a human than you, you want to kill another man for no reason." Eren squeezed harder.
"To hell with it, you ain't worth my time," Eren threw him down the hall and he smashed into it, right into Jean's room. Jean emerged from the room, dragging an unconcious Zacharius.
"He was being a dick," Eren told him, walking to his room.
"So what?! You throw him through my door?!" Jean yelled slightly high pitched.
"Well," Jean muttered and closed what was left of his door behind him as he walked back into his room. Miche was still laying there the next morning.

3 days later, Friday Night.

Eren had been planning to show his new found Titan strength off to his fellow soldiers, he kept it to himself since Hanji would cut him open if she knew. But it was Friday night and there was a small bonfire going on. Sasha, Petra, and Nanaba were sitting on a wall of logs talking to eachother. Levi was finally aalking around, although his jaw and mouth were still healing. He was still being fed through a straw. Reiner, Jean, Bertolt, and Armin were tossing liquor bottles into the fire.
After a while the fire started to die down. Jean spoke up.
"We need more firewood!" He yelled. He quickly left to get more with Armin, Bertolt, and Reiner.
Eren sat down at one of the tables that were usually used at lunch. He looked at his own callused hands. Then the dying embers. They had a few minutes to get the fire back up. If that. Reiner and Bertolt were spwaking in hushed voices out in the shadows where the light of the fire was swallowed by the darkness of the night. He knew he shouldn't bother the serious conversation.
"Hey Eren," Nanaba called him over.
He sat up and jogged to the girls that were sitting at the log wall.
"Yes Ma'am?" He asked.
"Was it you that beat the shit out of Miche?" She asked him in a hushed tone.
"And what if I did?" He asked, crossing his arms.
"I'll thank you," she laughed.
"Wait, why?" He asked confused. She suddenly saddened.
"He has just been a dick lately," she sighed. "Ever since he was promoted to section commander he's been so arrogant,"
"When was he promoted?" Eren asked. He hadn't heard anything about it.
"Just after your case,''
"Oh," he muttered.
"What did he do to you?" She asked him tentatively.
"He was saying I wasn't human,"
"I'll pay him my own visit," she stated adamantly and started power walking to the castle.
"Damn," Petra laughed.
"Yeah," Krista agreed.
"So... we're alone," Petra seductively stated.
"Yes, we are," Krista chimed in.
"Yeah, we are," Eren agreed awkwardly.
"Let's go get some wood," the blonde girl said sultrily.
"Let's go help Jean," Eren was sweating.
"I'm not talking about firewood," she laughed.
Eren coughed. This was the most awkward position he'd ever been in. Luckily Jean, Armin, Bertolt, and Reiner, arrived with firewood to feed the flame.

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