Chapter 40

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"What the hell?!" Hanji exclaimed as she saw the Titan's face protruding from the wall.
Eren was being dragged away on a stretcher, an Annie was on the carriage.
The Pastor of the nearby church sprinted up to her. He panted before speaking.
"Don't let sunlight touch it!" He yelled at her.

2 days later

Eren had recovered completely from the exhaustion. And had even been promoted from Squad Leader to Section Commander, leaping in front of Petra when it came to rank.
The 104th were on standby, with the exception of Eren of course.
The only issue with being a Section Commander was Miche, the self righteous asshole hadn't given Eren a break. All he did was instigate Eren and try to pick fights.
Erwin, Petra and Levi had stayed in the inner districts to work out the issues with the MPs about the recent events.
The MPs actually lost hundreds in the battle, and plenty were injured. The Survey Corps. Was facing a funding cut because of these problems to pay for damages done to Stohess.
Eren had heard about the face of the Titan that had been uncovered because of their battle. Apparantly Annie crushed part of the wall trying to escape and uncovered the inside of the walls.
It creeped him out.
He also didn't understand why the 104th were on hold. It made no sense. He ignored it and went to his post in the watchtower with Miche.
"I don't understand why we're on hold," Connie complained from his seat at the table.
"I agree, something strange is happening," Armin chimed in. His hair was longer now.
"I wonder if Eren will get to come in on his break," Sasha wondered. She hadn't been able to speak with him for a while.
Petra was in the inner districts fot the time being. And she kinda missed the girl.
But she missed Eren more. She hadn't been able to speak to him since he returned. And it killed her that she couldn't.
She suddenly felt... footsteps. They made the fround beneath him vibrate.
"Shit," he said to himself. "Miche! Yah feel that?" He asked.
"Yes, Tomas and three couriers are riding out!" Eren Maneuvered his was to the top of the tower.
''Wall Rose has been compromised! Multiple Titan are in coming from the North!" Miche shouted loudly.
"Nanaba! Get the 104th on their horses and ready! They have no time to get their ODM gear on!" Miche ordered.
"Jaeger, get ready, you and I are going to buy the recruits some time to get away. You and I are heading straight for the enemy!" Miche commanded.
"Sir!" Eren then flew away to saddle up.
Miche did the same.
Sasha saw Eren saddle onto his horse and ride off.This was when she knew something was wrong. Then she saw Commander Zacharius do the same.
She was about to say something when the window she was staring out of was suddenly covered by her Section Commander Nanaba.
She jumped back.
"Multiple Titan from the north! Saddle up! No time for ODM gear!" And like that she was gone.
Sasha panicked. Was Eren headed for the Titans?! And with just Miche?!
Surely not, that would be insane! Two soldiers heading for a swarm of Titans?
"Where is Eren?!" Sasha yelled over the galloping horses.
"What do you think? He's buying you guys time!" Nanaba yelled over her shoulder.
"Why would you send him?!" Screeched Krista suddenly.
"He and Miche are the best we have right now, and they are buying us time to send the message to nearby villages.
"Whatever! You're just saving your own skin!" Krista was uncharacteristically pissed.
Nanaba ignored her.
''Well go to hell!" Krista ended the conversation by reigning her horse around. Towards Eren and Miche's location.
"That should be enough time,'' Miche mumbled to Eren.
They sat on the destroyed building of their old base of commands. A few straggling Titans remained.
"There are still around three more! Not to mention that furry one," Eren said, creeped out by the one that was walking by with fur.
"Eren!" He heard a feminine voice.
He turned to the left. He suddenly froze in his spot. Krista was riding towards him. It wasn't safe.
The area was still compromised; and she should be with the rest of her unit. Not riding toward him.
"Krista? What the hell! It's not safe!" Eren yelled.
"I don't care! I need to know that you're okay!" She responded, riding closer.
Suddenly one of the remaining Titans lunged toward her.
''Shit!" Eren yelled. Immediately he grappled toward her.
But it was too late. The Titan skidded on the ground and toward her.
Her horse threw her off and ran. The Titan skidded to a stop on its belly. A smile on its face as it stared at her.
Eren just... stared. It reached for her. He couldn't help but watch in mid air as it grabbed her tightly. She screamed in pain as it did so.
"Eren help!" She writhed in the pain of its grip.
He landed on the ground...

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