Chapter 4.

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City Z

"Who the hell are you?" Asked Garou. "Me? I'm just a guy who's a hero for fun" said Saitama with a serious face. "A hero? Hahah! Really? You?" Asked Garou while laughing. "Listen I'll go easy on you how about that?" As Garou said that he ran towards Saitama and punched him with some force. Everyone at the site saw the B class hero fly off into the destroyed buildings.

"Dammit! Why? Why couldn't I do anything!?" Yelled zombieman. Every hero felt infuriating that a B class hero was more brave than any of them. Out of nowhere a blast can be heard, every S class hero saw the B class hero standing like nothing happened. "Oh... You're strong" said Saitama. Garou furious ran towards Saitama and tried to punch him once more with more strength.

"You're kinda slow though" said Saitama. 'What? When did he...' "Normal punch" said Saitama as he threw one punch. Every hero was shock to see Garou fly off into the crumble buildings. Tatsumaki was happy to see Saitama keep his promise. "Oi baldy..." Before Tatsumaki could finish a scream was heard coming from where Garou landed. "You... I'll definitely kill you" said an even more demonic looking Garou. "Ah... You look different" said Saitama as cleaned his suit.

This time Garou was even more faster and stronger, he punched Saitama again this time sending him miles away. "I won't let you live!" Yelled Garou as he ran towards Saitama again this time throwing more punches. "You... Won't... Stop... Me from becoming a damn god!" Garou yelled as he kept punching Saitama.

"Consecutive Normal Punches" Garou's body went flying into a crowd of buildings. "How... How are you alive?" Asked Zombieman, not sure how Saitama was standing or how he had so much power. "D-did you get that on camera?!" Asked a news reporter, "Y-yes sir". As Zombieman and some of the S class heroes were shock the whole world was as well. Many not believing a bald normal looking person could do so much damage and take that many hits as well.

"This can't be real, this is obviously staged" a random person said. "No it can't be, why would they destroy a whole city? It has to be real" another person said. "It's not real! There isn't a person that's that strong in this entire world." As everyone began to talk more about it some started to believe that it might have been a commercial for some movie or something. "Wait that Garou guy is still alive look"

"You... What are you? And why are you in my way?" Yelled Garou, he threw a whole building towards Saitama and the rest of the S heroes. "Normal punch" the whole building disappeared. All you could see was dust particles and nothing else. Garou suddenly appeared in front of Saitama sending more punches towards him. This time Garou was in a whole different level, his speed was faster, his strength increased as well and his body form was different. Garou looked bigger and more monstrous than before, Saitama was trying not to go all over the place since he could hurt some of the heroes if he did land.

"Normal punch" Nothing happened to Garou, he continued to send punches to Saitama. 'He took a punch... How?' Thought Tatsumaki, 'Don't tell me that thing can actually beat Saitama?'. "How do you like my new form Hero?" yelled Garou as he threw one last punch at Saitama who was on the ground. The dust air began to clear up, everyone shocked to see Saitama's body gone from where the monster was punching. "Not bad... But it's my turn now" Garou angry at how Saitama had survived wouldn't see Saitama's next move coming.

"Serious headbutt" Garou's body was suddenly missing a huge part. "Dammit... Damn you..." Was all Garou can say. Saitama looked at Garou without an expression, "good fight" said Saitama as he walked away. Saitama made his way towards Tatsumaki to see if she was okay. "Saitama he..." Tatsumaki was cut off by someone. "I'm not done yet hero!" Garou appeared once more between Saitama and Tatsumaki, Garou grabbed Tatsumaki and threw her away into some office buildings.

Garous form was different once more again, this time bigger and more powerful than the other forms. "Oi... Don't pick on the injured" Saitama suddenly jumped towards Tatsumaki who was falling. "Don't ignore me" Garou also appeared next to Saitama and Tatsumaki in the air. Garou threw a punch towards Saitama making him fall to the ground faster. Saitama landed on his back making sure he took all the impact. Tatsumaki could barely open her eyes, she felt someone carrying her. Saitama ran faster than Garou so he made sure to find a save spot to put Tatsumaki.

"I... Can't... Keep... My... Eyes... Open" Tatsumaki said as she laid her head on Saitama's shoulder. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, I'll make sure to win this one for you". Tatsumaki looked up and used the last bit of energy she had to open her eyes. She looked at Saitama's eyes, this time for the first time they had pain behind them. She could tell he was blaming himself for what happened to her. She then realized how closed they were and how she couldn't stop staring at him. They both looked at one another, getting closer. Tatsumaki couldn't keep herself awake anymore and fell unconscious, Saitama smiled and laid her down.

"It's time to finish this, I promised to win" Saitama headed towards Garou. Both looking at each other, "Before I kill you... Tell me, what's your name hero?" Saitama looked up and said "Caped Baldy"

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