Chapter Two

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"Rise and shine princess" Stefan says as he barges into my room.

"I will rip off your head Stefan. Don't think I won't" I threaten him.

"That's no way of treating your twin brother" he comments opening the curtain causing me to scream as the sun burns me. I roll off the bed as he closes the curtains.

"You idiot! I don't have my ring on" I glare at him as I fiddle with my ring.

"Whoops sorry. I guess if you were home more I would know that about you" Stefan sarcastically says.

"Go rot in hell" I mutter fixing my hair.

"Be ready in ten" he says leaving my room. I roll my eyes at him as I speed to get ready within seconds. I wasn't a morning person so I wasn't going to take my time. Rather get it all done quickly. I crack my neck as I hunger for human blood. A warm neck to sink my teeth into. I lick my lips at the thought as I leave my room, slamming the door behind me.

"Where are you going?" Stefan stops me.

"To go get some breakfast" I say putting my shoes on.

"No don't even think about killing someone" he warns.

"You had no problem with it" I say stabbing at him when he let go of his humanity. He was more the aggressive type compared to me. Sure, I have my moments but I have been feeling nothing for the past one hundred years and you get good at the kind of stuff.

"I agree with Stefan. No feeding off humans, for today at least. We have blood sacks in the freezer." Damon steps in as I stare at him.

"Is this your way of trying to get my humanity back? Too late; it's been gone for years" I sarcastically smirk though I don't leave like I had planned. Damon looks at me worried yet assertively while Stefan looks as though he's free within his own thoughts.

"Fine, I'll drink from one of those shitty blood sacks" I mutter pushing past my twin.

"Why does she listen to you? She never listens to me" I could hear Stefan say to Damon as I go to the freezer.

"Maybe you should take some tips from her and listen to me also" Damon replies taking the light side to this.

"Ha, you're funny. But seriously Damon, I try to help her and she just ignores me. You say the exact same thing and she'll do it." Stefan comments as I take the blood sack out of the freezer.

"Maybe because Stefan, I didn't turn her into a vampire. I'm even surprised she agreed to stay. Maybe her humanity is slowly creeping through" Damon stabs Stefan with his words. I finally return to them as they finish up their little argument. I knew they knew I was listening. I'm an eavesdropper, it's my thing. I drink the blood within seconds wanting and needing it from the vain.

"Here you are" Damon says handing me a bag.

"What's this for?" I question.

"For school. You've got some books in there, pens all the necessities you need to get through school" he states as I look at the black bag.

"Hm, cute" I sarcastically say leaving the house.

"Have a good day!" Damon laughs as Stefan follows me.

"Who's driving?" I stare at him.

"I will" Stefan says within seconds as we walk over to his car.

"Sweet ride" I mutter touching the side of the car lightly with my finger tips.

"Don't break anything" he threatens a we get into the car.

"Chill" I mutter under my breath as he starts the car. We begin driving off as I play on my phone.

Anastasia Salvatore (Vampire Diaries fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now