Chapter Eight

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"Where's my ring Damon?" I ask walking downstairs, noticing all the curtains were still closed.

"You're not getting it back until later" He states as I fold my arms.


"Because you went on a killing spree last time we tried to flip your humanity switch" He simply says.

"I'm not going to kill anyone! I just want to go out and get some stuff seeing as I'm going to be staying here for a while" I reply as he too, crosses his arms, not convinced.

"Damon" I glare at him, placing my hands on my hips.

"Give me a list of what you need and I'll get it for you" He states as I laugh in disbelief.

"You're being ridiculous"

"No, I'm trying to keep us on the down low and I can't risk you going out and enjoying yourself with a buffet of campers" He comments as I roll my eyes.

"Fine, whatever, have it your way" I spit going into the kitchen where a magnetic notepad sticks to the fridge. I rip it away grabbing a pen and writing down a long list of items I needed. I speed back to him, slamming the note against his chest.

"Have fun" I growl storming to the lounge as I sit there, on my phone.

"I'll be back soon" He mumbles quietly, closing the door behind him. I decide to call someone, bored being on my own.

"Hi could I please order one cheese pizza?" I say ordering pizza. I give them my address before hanging up. I wait patiently for thirty minutes before hearing a knock at my door. I get excited as I speed to the door, opening it to reveal the pizza guy, holding a pizza box in his hands.

"Hi how are you today?" He asks me with a smile.

"I want you to come inside, not scream or run. I'm going to feed on you and most likely kill you. But first you're going to text your work saying you quit and then you are going to text your family saying you're leaving town forever" I compel him as he takes his phone out of his pocket doing as I say. I wait for him to finish, taking the pizza from him as I taste the cheesiness. This is actually a really good pizza.

"Done" He mutters putting his phone back into his pocket.

"Wonderful; come inside" I tell him as he goes inside and I close the door. He follows me into the lounge room, standing in the middle of the room.

"Say cheese" I grin attacking his neck. My eyes flutter as I drink his warm blood, draining him quickly. I usually don't do this but I soon found myself losing control as I become more violent. Before I knew it, his body drops to the ground and his head rolls a few centimetres away from his body. Oops... I wipe the blood from my mouth wishing I had more. Staring at the decapitated head reminds me of when Stefan lost control and created the term 'The Ripper'. He must be enjoying himself at school today. Seeing as I'm not there for him to babysit. How great would it be if he lost his humanity again and joined me in the life of not giving a shit. The two of us could venture out, killing people as a sport and bonding over the art of spilling blood. But he's too much of a pussy to do that. I take a book from the shelf looking at the cover before flicking through the pages. I haven't read this book for a while. May as well read it again seeing as I'm stuck in this house until Damon arrives home.

Another hour passes and I finally hear the door open and close. I continue to the read the book I had chosen out before, flicking over the pages.

"Anastasia what the hell?!" Damon yells putting the bags on the couch opposite me.

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