Isabelle and Jonah

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Jonah and I have been dating for almost a year and since tour was about to end i decided to surprise him for the final show. Luckily the show was going to be near the city i live in so i wont have to travel far. I decided to call corbyn and tell him my plan so the security would let me pass and not think im a crazy fan trying to sneak in.

The day of the show i went to the hotel they were staying at and security let me in thanks to corbyn. Corbyn had also texted me the room number Jonah was staying in. So i walked up to the room and opened the door since it was unlocked. Once i walked in my heart sank. I saw this random girl on top of jonah and once he saw me he almost droped her just to get to me. I ran out of the room with tear drops escaping my eyes.

"Isabelle wait it's not what it looks like."

I ran out of the hotel and obviously i thought he wouldnt come out because of the screaming fans. But i was wrong he did come out

"Isabelle its not what it looks like i....

I cut him off

"Then what is it Jonah cuz it looks like you guys were about yo hook up"

"She was trying to kiss me she snuck into the room i promise... i would never do anything to hurt you."

I forgave jonah and we walked back into the hotel, security got the girl and i went to see their final tour show. When they finished jonah drove me home and we just cuddled untill we fell asleep in each others arms.

Purplefanta44 I hope that you enjoyed this imagine sorry if it wasn't good.

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