Jack and Ashley pt.2

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*6th period*
Ashley's POV
6th period was about to end and i felt my phone buzz. I got it out and i noticed that i had a message from jack.
Jack- hey i know your in class right now but i was wondering if you needed a ride back home.
Ashley-Yeah i actually do how did you know.
Jack- idk just guessed haha well after school just meet me at your locker.
Ashley- alright
* end of the period you start heading to your locker*

Once you see each other you give eachother a hug
Jack-you ready to go
Ashley- yeah
You start heading towards his car and he opens the door for you you say thankyou and he closes the door.
While you guys are heading to your house your telling him when to make turns cuz he doesn't know where you live and along the way you guys are talking and getting to know each other.
Ashley's POV
We get home and i invite jack into my home to just hang out and watch a movie.
While were watching the movie i feel his arm come around my shoulder and he pulls me closer to him. When the movie ended we started talking again and then...

Jack's POV
Should i do it. Would it be to soon. All these questions started going through my head. If i do lean in and kiss her she might not want me around and think that i just wanted to hang out to make out. But if i do and she doesn't think that ,we might become a thing.

Third person POV
Jack and Ashley are about 1 inch away from eachother it would be the perfect moment for one of them to lean it. And then it happens... an earthquake ruined the whole moment [just kidding] ...they finally kissed. They were both happy and at the end of the kiss jack asked ashley to become his girlfriend. She said yes and they hugged. Jack noticed that it was getting late so he decided it was time for him to go home. Ashley walked him to the door. They had a final kiss and hug.
Jack- so i'll see you at school tomarrow.
Ashley- yeah i'll see you tomarrow
Jack got into his car and drove off.

I guess jack made the right choice to kiss her.

The end hope you enjoyed it☺

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