The good lie

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Word count - 4160
We finished the case and hurried back to the bunker. As soon as we got back I took the first shower. The hot water felt amazing. When I came out fully dressed and my hair in a French braid I found the boys sitting in the main room with Cas. They all stopped talking and looked up to me when I walked in.
"Whatcha you guys talking about?"
"Uh nothing really its nothing just stupid guys stuff really." Cas looked like he was about to really tell me what they were talking about but Dean gave him the shut your mouth face.
"Yeah okay, I didn't know you were coming Cas." Dean was so bad at lying to me.
"Um neither did I-" Dean must have kicked him because made a disgruntled face and grunted, "I just decide to check in on everyone."
"Oh okay well will you be staying for dinner?"
"Yes he will he's actually staying for a few days."
"Okay I'll set another plate, it will be nice to have you around." They were obviously planning or hiding something, what ever it is they better clean it up because I'm not going to. I decided to make grilled chicken with baked potatoes, green beans with a salad. It didn't take long to prepare. I set the table for four and when it was done I called the boys in. The dinner was quite except for the light conversation but no one not even Cas had given me a hint to what they were doing. It wasn't the worst dinner but it was the most awkward. After dinner Dean and I collected the plates he started washing the plates, I went to go sit across at the counter. It was kinda nice watching him do something that wasn't killing a machine. He looked up he had finished and walked over to the counter and leaned in.
"We're you just watching me?"                      
"Why would you ask such a thing." I looked down but when I looked up I found a pair of beautiful green eyes staring at me.
"But yes I was. You wash dishes beautifully by the way."
"Aw thanks. I hope that's not my only talent."
"Its not your only, you're really great at making the bed and folding clothes."
"Ohh you think you're funny don't you."
"Yeah I think I'm hilarious."
"Oh you are so in for it now." He walked around the counter and put his hands on my hips. I bit my lip, oh this was going to be a fun night. He pulled me up and threw over his shoulder. And the giggles came like hurricane.
"Is this necessary, I do have legs you know."
"Oh I know but see you insulted me and that is a very mean thing."
"Im sorry I hurt your feelings now could you please put me down." He started walking towards our bedroom and stopped at the door, he set me down. There was that look of worry in his eyes, the look he gets before we get into a hunt. I grabbed his face and forced him took at me.
"Hey look at me." His green eyes finally looked back at me. The worry just went away, I looked up and pushed forward and pushed my lips to his. He took a moment to catch up but as soon as he did the door was open and closed within seconds.
He lightly pushed me up against the door, he placed his hands on my waist and attacked my neck. I pushed him away and stalked him back to the bed, he changed the position and pushed me down on to the bed. I scooted up to the pillows, he removed his belt then his pants, then he crawled up to me he attacked my lips with more lust then our first time together, the spark was there and now it was more, more powerful. God I missed him I missed this and most of all I missed being in this bed with him and his warmth. But he brought me back from my daze with pulling my pants down. Once he as done he crawled back up he straddled me, I reached up and pulled at the hem of his shirt, he raised his arms and I slowly lifted it. Our eyes never drifted from each other.  He leaned back down and kissed me but this time it was passionate, loving an caring. He pulled back and we just starred at each other for what felt like years. Then I kissed him but with lust, he ran his fingers down my sides and pushed his fingers under the black thin tee and rubbed his hands up and down my sides then he grabbed the end of the tee shirt and pulled it up and over my head he threw the shirt somewhere behind him. Then he put his hands back on my sides and slid them up to the black lacy bra and he unhooked it, he pulled it over my shoulders and threw it onto the floor. He got up and went to the end of the bed he pulled my ankles and I slid down the comforter. He slowly ran his hands up my calfs up to my thighs he placed his hands on my hips, he put his finger on under the top of the lace and rubbed side to side. Then he did the same with his other hand, he kissed right above the lace and up and then he stopped and he pulled down the lacy fabric. I threw my head back into the pillow. He went back to the end of the bed and removed his boxers. I brought my legs up so he could crawl between them, I met his lips. He placed one hand on my hip and the other was cradling my cheek. It was his way of asking for permission, so I kissed him and he knew that was a yes. He slowly pushed in. I low moan escaped my lips. He attached his lips to my neck and slowly started to thrust in as he picked up his paste more and more groans and moans escaped our lips. His thrust were becoming faster and sloppier, he was getting close and I wasn't far behind. He came first with a loud guttural groan. I climaxed with his name leaving my lips. He rolled off and we laid there catching our breathes. When we got ourselves under control Dean pulled me into his arms, the only sound in the room was shallow breathes he rubbed his calloused hands up and down my arm while placing small kisses to my temple. But soon sleep got the best of me.
I woke up in an empty bed the warmth was gone. I walked to our closet and I grabbed my cardigan then I stumbled my way to the kitchen. I found Dean making chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and eggs while dancing to the little radio playing oldies but goodies. Sam must have been out on his run because there was no sign of him. I sat down at the counter Dean handed me a cup of coffee just the way I like it two sugars and just a little milk. No words were said, it was a nice comforting morning. I just sat there watching him sway and flip pancakes, on some of the songs he would sing lowly thinking I couldn't hear him. He had a beautiful deep rich voice it was like listening to the rain, peaceful. He was just about finished when Sam came in, he was wearing a blue and white track suit with his iPod in his hand. Cas walked in behind me and plopped down at the counter right beside me then he put his head down on the table and wrapped his arms around his head.
"Hey guys, whats cooking?
"Pancakes, eggs and bacon. Dean said while preparing four plates.
"You okay there Cas?" Dean said while handing him a cup of coffee. He grunted and moved over to the table.
"Not just any pancakes Dean's famous chocolate chip pancakes." I said when he handed me my plate he showed a small smile. We all took our plates and went to sit at the small table. We mostly ate in silence beside Sam and I's small moans.
"Theses are the best pancakes I have ever had Dean"
"I agree if you weren't a hunter you could become some high payed chef or something."
"Yes I agree out of all the meals you have served me this is one of the most tasteful."
"Come on now you guys are just being mean."
"I'm not kidding Dean these are amazing."  I gave him a small kiss on the cheek. He gave a small smile in return. After breakfast Sam went to take a shower, Cas went to library and  Dean and I washed the dishes afterwards we headed back to our room with cups of coffee in our hands. I placed my mug on the bedside table, Dean did the same. I went to the dresser starting to pick out my clothes for the day. Dean hung his robe up in the closet then I felt hands on my hips rubbing soothingly, I leaned in to the touch and he started to kiss my neck. His hands ran up my sides and then to my front he started to unbutton my cardigan, once all the buttons were undone he pulled it off and threw it on to the bed and replaced his hands on my hips. He turned me around and kissed me, his lips were so kissable and irresistible. But he pulled away before things got any more interesting.
"Your such a tease, did you know that?" He laughed.
"I'm sorry, I want to make it up to you how about a shower with the one an only me?" he gave me that cheeky grin then licked his lips.
"You're such a cheeseball."  I gave his arm a little punch but started walking to the bathroom in our room. I didn't hear foot steps following so I turned around and stopped at the doorframe.
"Are you coming or not I don't have all day Winchester." He didn't reply he just pulled his shirt over his head and threw it to the floor, then he pulled his boxers down and they pooled at is feet. He stepped out of the pile and walked towards me. He captured the hem of my shirt in his hands and pulled it up and over my head. Then he dipped his index fingers and middle fingers into my shorts and panties and pulled down. Then he reached up to my hair and pulled my hair out of its bun. I shook my head so all my hair fell to my shoulders. He backed me up to the glass wall of the shower. He turned on the water and let steam form before we got in I went first. When the hot water hit my face it was like pure heaven. Then there was hands on my hips running up and down, I leaned back and rested my head on his shoulder. He kissed right behind my ear then he pulled away and grabbed the shampoo he squirted some into his hands then he started to rub it into my scalp. He backed me into the hot water and started to rinse away the shampoo. When he was done I turned him so his head was under the water. He closed his eyes and I leaned up to kiss him then I grabbed the shampoo bottle and followed his previous actions. Once I finished rinsing him I ran my hands down his chest tracing every scare then kissing it. He reached behind him and grabbed the bath scrubby, then he reached behind me and grabbed the body wash he squirted some on the fluffy ball then mixed the liquid into the ball till it was full of bubbles. He started to light scrub at my neck then downward and up and down my arms then he turned me around and scrubbed my shoulders and lower back then he switched our positions and rinsed me off then I did the same to him. When all the soap was gone we stood under the water and practically made out for what felt like hours. I pulled back and he had the most adorable confused face ever.
"Sam and Cas are probably waiting for us." 
"Right we should get dressed." Neither of us moved but we knew we had to face reality. I turned off the water and when I turned around he had a towel wrapped around his waist and he was holding one out for me. I took it and wrapped it around myself then I stepped out and gave him a kiss. He walked out to room and started to get ready. I brushed my hair and half way dried it, I brushed my teeth and put a little mascara on then I headed out to the room. Dean was fully dressed but he didn't put his shoes on. While I was getting dressed he was doing his morning ritual of hair, teeth, and whatever else guys do in the bathroom. When he came out I had just finished putting on my socks. I stood up and he walked over and gave me a kiss then we headed out to the library where Sam nose deep in a book. Cas was looking at one of the weapons we had just recently got.
"Heya Sammy got a case?"
"Um yeah actually. So get this there's this woman in South Dakota whose husband disappeared about a month ago but she swears she saw him, but this time he had fangs. So I'm thinking vampires." 
" Great lets go." Dean grabbed my hand before I got to packing.
"You know this case seem easy how about you and Cas stay here Sky and I can vamp nest, right?" Dean gave Sam a weird look then he looked to me for my answer.
" yeah totally. " We headed to our room and packed our bags Dean finished before me and headed out to the library. This sucked they were all hiding something and they weren't dropping clues. When I walked to the library I stopped in the hallway to try and hear what they were say but it was complete jibberish. The only thing I could decipher was that there was something Sam and Cas had to buy or steal and then bring it to Dean. I walked in when they seemed to be done. I looked between them all and they just had that innocent look.  "Ready to go?" Dean placed his hand on my back.
"Yep, see you guys in a few days" When we reached the top of the stairs Dean opened the door for me and did a hand signal thing to  Sam and said goodbye one last time before he shut the door. We got into the impala he turned the radio on down low. We had entered Nebraska when my hunger for needing to know what was going on bubbled over.
"So what are you guys really up too?" He looked at me with a confusion.
"What do you mean?"
" I mean the tip toeing around me, using code and Cas staying more than just a night."
"Oh that Im not allowed to talk about it."
" Seriously Dean just tell me, and don't lie."
" Okay remember when you said that I could lie to you if it was for a surprise well that's what this is and I cant tell you because I want you to be surprised. So just wait please and then I will explain every thing I promise. "
" Fine I'll stop snooping but it better be a dam good surprise."
" Trust me it will be." He grabbed my hand for emphasis then he leaned over and gave my cheek a small peck. We pulled into a hotel parking lot. He went and got a room and I grabbed our bags. I followed him to the room. We got strait to work but we weren't getting very far which meant monkey suits were going to be needed. I went to the bathroom and got ready first. I pinned my hair into a braid bun. Did my make up and put my suit on. Dean was just finishing his tie.
" Not to be mean to the flannels but Dean Winchester definitely looks sexier in a suit but the occasional dirty mechanic also looks really good."
" Now see that just sexualizing me and that is very hurtful to my self esteem."
" I thought it was good to tell the truth."
" Not when hurts peoples feelings now you have to make it up to me."
" But did my comment hurt your feelings or did it boost your ego and now you're looking for more."
"How dare you I'm just a hurt soul looking for love."
" Come on we have a case lets go you big baby."
" Oh my god now you are verbally abusing me. I don't know if I can go on that really hurt." He was barley holding back his laughter. And he had that cheeky grin on his face as we walked to the car. I walked him to his side and opened his door but he turned around so I was pinning him to the car.
"Will you please just get in the car."
" Stranger Danger this woman is trying to kid nap me. Help!"
" This is your car, come on Dean we have a case." I was now laughing while trying to shove him into the car. Once we were both in we bursted out laughing. It took a full ten minutes for us to gain our self control again. Once we had we drove to the police station. Dean asked most of the question but we didn't get much. So we drove to the morgue and I examined the body taking notes not that it wasn't pretty obvious it was a vampire. Dean talked to the attending coroner about what she had found which was nothing except from the large amount of blood missing.
"Well this is just fantastic no leads."
" Well that's no true the body was found in that wear-house by the old clinic. They could be taking cover at the clinic."
" I guess we could go and check it out." We got changed and headed out. Dean didn't even hesitate about me coming along which was nice. We parked just outside the entrance. We grabbed the machetes and then Dean led the way, instead of splitting up went straight ahead.

*Back at the bunker*
" So we have at least about a day or so to get everything done" Sam said while pacing the room making a list of things.
" I don't see why Dean couldn't just ask Skyla."
" He told you why he wants it to special."
" Well I consider a proposal to spend the rest of your life with someone pretty special." 
" Yeah but Dean just wants everything to be perfect he become an emotional teenage girl  when it comes to stuff like this."
"Okay what do we need?"
" Well Dean said he would pick the ring up himself so we need to buy the food he plans on making, oh and the candles. We also need to get Charlie to take her out for the day so dean has time to cook dinner and prepare himself."
" I'll go and get the supplies you call Charlie, it will be nice to see her again." Cas was gone with the whoosh of his wings. Sam pulled out his cell phone and dialed Charlie's number.
" Well  hello Sam what do you guys need this time?"
" Well its nice to hear from you too Charlie. And I'm not the one asking for a favor, Dean is."
" What dose the man need?"
" Okay don't freak out he didn't tell you but he needs you to distract his girlfriend for a couple of hours."  There was a loud muffled yell on the end of the phone.
" What the hell is wrong with you guys, when you get a girlfriend you let me know I have to do a background check on her. She can't just walk in to your live like she owns the place."
" Charlie please calm down We are very sorry but this girl is probably the most innocent person ever. Dean is planning on proposing to her so would you be willing to get her out of the house for a while."
" Are you kidding me I've never met this girl what if we don't get along. And he's  proposing you know a little heads up that you guys are even dating would be nice."
" There is no way you could not like her. Trust me just could you head our way pretty please."
" Fine but I'm still gonna run a background check on this chick on my down, whats her name?"
" Skyla Brenzeincoffer she's from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania oh and she's a doctor."
" Dean went after a doctor, wow never saw that coming."
" Well she's a hunter now but I'll explain when you get here."
" See you soon Sam"
" Hello Sam I gathered the supplies that were on the list. Is Charlie going to be able to come?"
" Thanks Cas and yes she should be here in a couple hours." Sam picked up the bags of supplies and went to the kitchen to put the stuff away. Cas followed awkwardly.
" What are we suppose to do while Dean is confessing his love to Skyla?"
" We could go out or something, go see movie or go bowling."
" Oh. Do you think things will be different?"
" What do you mean?"
" Well I assume after their marriage they will want to start a family and will want to move out."
" I doubt it Dean would never leave his precious 'bat cave' and I personally think if they did have a kid it would be raised here into the hunting life, Dean would never allow his kid not to be trained to protect themselves against the monsters out there."
" Do you think Skyla feels the same way?"
" I'm not sure but I assume they will talk about when they get to that stage in their relationship." The conversation ended with that and they waited for Charlie to arrive.

*Back to the hunt*

We came out of the building covered in blood splatter with smiles painting our faces. We wiped of the machetes and put the back in the trunk. Then we headed back to the hotel Dean let me have the first shower. There was no messing around tonight just sleep, relaxing peaceful sleep.
I woke up to Dean being gone. I grabbed my gun an searched the room. There was no sign of a break in or a struggle, then I saw a figure outside the window. I pulled back the curtain and found Dean on the phone. I opened the door just as he put his phone away.
" Are you trying to give me a heart attack Dean!" I gave his arm a small punch.
" Hey I'm sorry I didn't want to wake you, you looked so peaceful and you had your nose scrunched up and it was so cute." He came in and locked the door behind him. He was fully dressed. He had two cups of coffee in his hands. And he offered me one.
" Okay I forgive you but seriously a warning I thought someone took you away." I took a sip and he mad just the way I like it. I sat down on the bed and he started to pack his things up. 
" We should head back theres someone I want you to meet waiting at the bunker."
" Oo Is it an old girlfriend or maybe a long lost brother?"
" Shes a friend and she's like a sister to me. And I do have a long lost brother but he died." I huffed at the ending comment.
" I was joking but that's cool did you get to meet him?"
" Yeah I told you about him, his name was Adam remember?"
" Oh yeah I do now. So is there anything I need to know about this friend?" 
" Yeah actually, she's a geeky really smart girl. Oh and let's just say I'm not her type."
" Oh that is good news I'm never good with competition. And I think we will get a long."
" Good now get dressed." After I was dressed we headed back home. I really hope things work out with this girl, if she's friends with Dean then she's probably part of his mini family. And I really wanted to make a good impression..

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