City Limits

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I didn't mention anything more about how we need to find people for us to Jessa, is not the only reason why we are searching for others. The main reason why I am searching for others is because in the three weeks that we've stayed alive, Jessa's life has almost ended on several occations. The breaking tree branch when I went hunting was the final straw. I was stupid for thinking that I could do this all by myself.

Oh, too younge

Too dumb to realize....That I should've bought you flowers, should've held your hand

Should've given all my hours, when I had the chance..........

I started thinking of one of the songs I use to listen to on the radio. When I was your man- by awesome Bruno Mars. I might even go as far as wishing Justin Bieber was here, just for the sake of hearing music agian. Or not. Wow, I really miss music and singing. I miss the old world so badly that it hurts, but I knew that nothing would go back to normal, not ever. No matter what I wanted, no one or thing cared. I couldn't change anything back then and I can barely do anything now.

We had trekked through the mountains for almost two weeks before we even saw the first sighns of civilization. Of course our journey taught us some lessons on the way. Jessa and I went into a valley so we could get some water. I was trying to be resourceful by not drinking too much of our water. You know the typical survival stuff. We slid down a big hill and into the green valley. 

"There shouldn't be very many down here" I thought.

 We probably walked a mile before we came upon the first couple of zombies. We ended up running back up the steep slope we slid down because twenty plus zombies came crashing through the brush as we got near a water source. Guess trying to go in a beautiful valley is a bad idea, in an apocoliptic world. Lesson learned. Jessa and I continued our Journey through the forest. I also need to find out where we are and I need to find a radio. Well I need to find some people eventually. I can feel myself slipping even more. I also can't have Jessa follow me down my road of insanity.

 "Maybe you should just forget about loosing your sanity. I mean who cares? Just kill everything that threatens you. Being any degree of insane of fine." The thought reasoned In my mind.

See, that thought is what scares me. "No!" I yelled back in my mind. "Shut up and understand that my sanity means survival. There! won that argument. My mind didn't have anything to retort. I frowned. Was I really just havering an argument with myself? I face palmed. 

"Yep" my mind answered. 

"Shut up!" I growled out loud. 

Jessa looked up at me with questioning eyes. Her mouth curved up in a grin and she put her hands over her mouth and snorted. She knew I was talking to myself again.

I gave her The Look, which only sent her into an even more violent fit of giggles. I haven't heard such a beautiful sound in a very long time. This trip was putting us in a good mood, well a better mood than what we normally are stuck with. Of course, I knew that finding people that we can accually trust with our lives with is going to be near impossible, but a zombies were suppose to be impossible too. I've seen all the zombie movies and the Walking Dead, people's real characters come out and most will sacrifice you to save their own skin. It's human nature and it's what any person would normally do. Of course there are the rare people who are just great people. People who are great in everything...well you understand. But, I know that Everyone we meet, will be twisted in some form. No one is normal anymore, not even my little sister, and ceritianly not me.

I also know that we weren't going to find people immidiatly, which means that we will have to go further inside of the rotting city. I of course have rules, never get to deep inside of the city, or high risk of death. That means certian death and being ripped to shreds by hoardes of zombies.

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