Chapter One : Called in

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August 5th 2081.


London, England.




Lena groggily fumbled around her coffee table for her phone, sifting through empty packets and cans until she felt her fingers knock it over the edge. "Oh bollocking hell." She cursed aloud with her thick cockney accent, which was a contrast to the light and playful tone her voice took. Phone still buzzing she stretched her fingers out under the table attempting to reach it, tongue sticking out slightly at the effort. "Waa, oof. Bugger... 'Ello?" She said answering the phone after accidently rolling off the couch.

"I get it's early and I'm sorry for that but, how does it always take you so long to answer the phone? You control pockets of time, it baffles me." Said a deep, growly, yet kind voice.

"Winnie! Luv, 'ow are ya? Oh and phone fell on the floor, I fell on the floor, I answered it, It's you 'nd its 4:30 IN THE BLOODY MORNIN' WIN!! SO, what's up mate?" Lena said to a now stunned Winston. It was very rare for Lena to sound or even get angry, or show anyone that she was either. The Overwatch team, who had known her many years, had only seen her anger twice before. Once when Widowmaker had killed Mondatta and the laughed in her face about it. Then the second time was weeks after that when Winston gave her the files that showed what Talon had done to Amelie to turn her into and created Widowmaker. This moment made number three. Angela had warned Winston that Lena wouldn't be in a good mood for a while, being best friends for several years now, the Swiss doctor knew how Lena would be for the next few months following Emily's break up with her. Now true to her predictions, Lena sounded furious and Winston regretted making the call.

"I am sorry Lena, I am. I need your help, here, in Gibraltar. Would you come in and help me, please?" He said sincerely as Lena held her breath in a comical fashion as her face reddened with underlying annoyance until she let out a long deep sigh releasing all the stored-up air. "Oh Win, Course I'll come, Luv. If I ain't got your back, I ain't got no one at mine." She said in her signature up beat way. "Thank you, Lena. I'm not sure what to do about this one. Angela will be joining us too but that's it, everyone else is silent at the moment." Winston expanded. "Right, be there in a jiffy, pop a brew on for us yea." Lena replied and ended the call. "You see, I did try to warn you, Ja? Emotional times and early mornings do not sit well mit Lena." Angela said with a bit of a smirk. Winston let out a big sigh as he adjusted his glasses. "Ja." Was his only response.

Overwatch Alpha, Gibraltar

August 5th 2081


"Why would they be hunting her? I can't make sense of it." Said Winston sitting at his desk in his tire. Angela stood behind him leaning forward looking at footage that Athena was playing on repeat. It was less than 30 seconds long but showed an agile figure swing past in a flash followed swiftly by simple troopers in all black carrying assault rifles and taking shots at the woman ahead of them. "It is very strange and I for one do not have a gut feeling about it." Angela said as the doors to Winston's lab opened up. "Don't worry Luv, the cavalries 'ere." Lena said as she walked up behind them. Angela turned and jumped into the air with a small excited squeal. "Hallo Lena, it's so good to see you, been too long, ja?" She said as she pulled Lena into an almost overbearing hug. "Alright Luv, alright. I'll be useful as a chocolate tea pot, you keep squeezin' me like that." She said while hugging the taller blonde back. Angela took a step back and looked at her blankly whilst Winston yurned in his tire and raised an eyebrow at her. Lena looked at the two of them for a second, she let out an exaggerated sigh, gangly flopping her self sideways before straightening up again. "A tea pot is meant to get hot but if chocolate gets hot it melts, right? So if a chocolate tea pot got hot it would melt and therefore be useless for making tea. Jeez, Win I get you're a Gorilla but you're also a scientist right? And Ang you may be blonde, sorry but you is, you're also a doctor. Simple Idioms should be well in your intellectual boundaries, right?" she said, slipping in a bit more aggression than she intended. "Anyway, what have we got going on? Why'd you need us in?" Lena asked as she walked up to Winston and playfully leant herself over his shoulder resting her chin on crossed hands. Winston turned his face back to the monitors and played the footage without saying a word, just letting it play and the images sink in. "From what I'm seeing, something has happened with Widowmaker." He stated plainly and Angela took position next to Lena. "I've run a couple theories in my head und what I like is the most likely is that her conditioning has or is wearing off. Something has happened and she's on her way out." She said with a pondering tone. For a few moments no one said anything and just rewatched the footage. "There was a moment, just a moment, in Kings Row when she was on the talon shuttle and she looked down at me and I looked at her. Her expression changed." Lena said quietly but clearly. "There may have been something that happened in your fight. Started her thinking, then keep thinking until this moment." Angela thought aloud to the others. "I think we should investigate. Berlin, In, survey, out. Extraction if appropriate. But only if we're 100 percent sure that she's breaking through and trying to escape." Winston said as he reached over for an unopened jar of peanut butter. "Ok, got it." Lena said surprisingly flatly as she made her way out with Angela close behind. It didn't take the girls long to get their gear and set out in a shuttle. Lena piloted as she always insisted upon when going to a mission, it helped her focus. The flight there was silent, both preparing for the best and worst outcome what they knew deep down would be a fight.

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