Chapter Five : Unlikely Wrath

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Overwatch, Gibraltar

August 12th 2081

11:00 AM

"And then he sank into the floor, Widowmaker with him." Jack finished explaining in the makeshift briefing room that was Winston's lab. Angela looked over to Lena who to everyone's surprise had a face of fury. "For someone so sweet, she can be damn terrifying." Jack thought to himself. Before long Lena jumped down from the table she had been sat on, the anger inside had been circling and swelling. Her blood was boiling over and she headed towards the door. "Hold up, where are you going?" Angela began to extend a friendly hand to stop Lena from leaving but quickly drew it back when she saw Lena spin her head round to look back at her. The happy Brit had disappeared, smiling no more. In her place stood a deeply furrowed brow and vicious eyes glaring out from underneath. "Next person to try and stop me, is a dead man." She spat calm and clear, yet with furious venom. "There are war stories about the Lions of England around the old world wars of 1900's. Hard as carbon, ferocious fighters that never broke and never backed down. If they're even half as mean as she is right now, no way in hell would I have fought them." Jack added to his last thought. As Lena turned to walk out again a giant of a man stepped out from the shadows of the lab. "Aw little bird, fight this battle you will, ripping them apart, bare handed if need be. But. Doing so alone? Not on your life." Said Reinhardt as more silhouettes stepped forward and came into view. Genji, Jesse, Fareeha, Ana, Hana, Hanzo, Torbjörn, Aleksandra. With the inclusion of Angela, Jack and Winston, All reachable Overwatch members were present and accounted for and all ready to ride into whatever hell Lena needed them to. After a moment of looking back and forth across everyones faces, Lena took in a deep breathe. Stepping forward and dropping the slight smile he had on his face Jack stood a few paces in front of Lena and took his hands out of his pockets. "Kid? You hold onto that anger cause what they've done to her is wrong. Understand this, to a lot of people here that woman was once someone we called friend, we knew her and how she used to be but honestly we're not here cause of that, that's 'who she used to be'. You know her or have seen her as someone new, not who she was or what Talon made her, no matter how briefly. And she has fallen for you. And you have her, otherwise you wouldn't be a pissed as you are. So, we're here to back up YOU, kid. You are the one that's given so much of who you are to us. You keep me in line, young, take off my cynical edge and share damn fine Scotch with me. You've been a damn good friend to Winston over there, making sure he's never alone. You sit and watch old westerns with McCree and bought him his own genuine Sheriffs badge, knowing he'd like it, just because you saw it. You give up your spare time to play video games, that none of us understand, with Hana whenever she drops in or after a call when she has nothing to do or anyone to talk with. Genji and Hanzo have repaired a broken relationship because you sat with them talked with them asked about their childhood stories. Torbjörn always talks about how engaged with the creations of his you are and that makes him feel enthusiastic about his work, diving him to build more and imagine more. You welcomed Fareeha and Aleksandra with open arms, showed them round and settled them in, introduced them to us all so they wouldn't get overwhelmed or feel there wasn't someone they could approach with questions. You saved Reinhardt's broken heart by finding Ana and convincing her to come back after faking her death so that they'd be a family with Fareeha and be happy together, safe together and able to make new happy memories. With everything you have done for all of us here. Do you really think there's the slightest chance we'd ever let you go into a Talon base, to save the person you love, all on you own?" He said leaving the question not for Lena to answer but everyone else. "Not on this god forsaken earth missy." Said Torbjörn stepping forward. "Never." Said Winston standing tall on his hind legs. "We would not dishonour you so." Said Hanzo as he and Genji simultaneously bowed to her. "I would not dare, Little bird." Said Reinhardt as he and Ana smiled a nod, Fareeha stepping in beside them. "I shall always give you support." She smiled. "I got ye back partner." Winked Jesse. "I shall crush anyone who gets in your way, Da" Said Aleksandra with her thick Russian accent. "We'll get all the points." Hana beamed. As Lena looked at everyone Angela walked up to her side and put one hand on her forearm and one on her back. "We shall get her back, together, mein liebster freund." She said and placed a caring kiss on Lena's cheek. Lena took a moment and looked around the round, caring smiles resting on all of their faces Lena's initial anger shattered and she burst into tears. Carefully and caringly Jack wrapped his arms around the girls back and she throw hers over his shoulders. The team stood, looking on with damp eyes and more than one had to wipe away a tear of their own as Lena let everything come flooding out. As she slowed down and sniffed and pulled back from Jack, who now had a wet face imprinted on his white T-shirt, she wiped her eyes with the sleeves of her jumper. "I'm sorry I snapped at ya Angie." She squeaked full of regret and a bit ashamed. "Nein, nein. Don't worry Lena, you're my best friend, I can take the angry you and you have every reason be so." She replied sympathetically. Jack lean down so he was eye height with the shorter girl. "Ready, go get you girl?" He said with a devilish smirk and Lena turned to look at him but only nodded. "Where's the fire gone, said not to lose the anger. So i'll ask again. Are you ready to go get Widowmaker back from Talon?" he reinforced. Lena closed her eyes for a moment and drew in a deep breath. As she let it out sharply she opened her eyes with the same expression she had had when she'd shot down Angela, only this time there was a determined, crooked smile that matched Jack's. "I'm ready." She stated and Jacks smile widened a fraction. "You're damn right." He replied and stood up tall again and looked over his shoulder to everyone else. "LET'S MOVE IT OUT!" He called and everyone responded with a fist in the air and a booming "OOHRAH!"

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