Chapter 2 - "Happily ever after seems nice."

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Chapter 2

"Does this mean I'm technically going to have a niece or nephew?" Rose began getting giddy when we announced Anne's pregnancy.

"If that's what you want," Anne patted her head gently.

I admired my best friend from a far. She was a woman with a complimenting figure and very long, beautiful hair that went to the bottom of her back. Her stomach didn't even look bloated yet.

Josh snook behind her and wrapped his arms around her stomach. She entwined her hands with his. I smiled slightly. They did make a cute couple.

I joined Simon outside, who was exploring Mum's back garden.

"What have you found, Si?" I approached him to see his navy blue jeans ripped at the knees and his hands black with dirt.

"I found loads of lady bugs," He said excitedly. He didn't really seemed fussed about the new baby. "And I made a small habitat for them in the shade where they can live happily ever after."

"Happily ever after seems nice." I chuckled.

"Olly," Rose stormed outside with Bea and Anne closely behind her. "Bea and Anne won't tell me how babies are made."

I choked on air and stumbled over my words until I eventually spat something out. "Sometimes people want littler versions of themselves so they... Ask the baby fairy."

Rose just grunted. "There's no such thing."

"There is. I've seen her."

She gawked and looked at me, then at Bea, who was crying of laughter by now.

As the girls went back inside to shut Rose up with some lemonade and ice cream, Simon was still watching his lady bugs run around.

"You're obsessed, Si."

He shook his head in defense. "They just interest me."

"Fair dos. Let's get you cleaned up, then we can kick some zombie butt."

I helped Simon get up, get showered and get changed without Mum noticing how muddy he was. But boys will be boys.

For dinner, Fabian cooked pizza with chips and salad. We ate it in front of the TV, while watching The Simpsons. Unfortunatly, I then had to get ready for work. Josh's dad owned a resturant a few blocks away and offered me a job until I could afford to buy my own house and give Mum, Fabian, the kids and Anne and Josh some space. At the moment, I was on the sofa and Anne and Josh were top and tailing(one sleeps at one end, the other sleeps at the other end). Simon and Rose had their own rooms. It was the law over here. All boys and girls 7 and over had to have seperate rooms. That's partly why we moved, that and my parent's divorce. Mum and Fabian had a room, too. There was just no space for me. I could stay with Bea, but she was still living with her Mum too, so there was no room their either.

After work, I snook in with my spare key and got changed into my pyjamas. I could go to sleep with a smile on my face. I had a quick shower then laid my head to rest on the sofa.

There suddenly was an errupt of loud knocking on the door.

I shot up and went to open it. There stood my father. It looked like he hadn't shaved for years, and his hair was tied up in a pony tail.

"2 years," He whispered. "2 years I've been trying to find you."

"We left for a reason." I snapped.

His face turned from sympathy to anger. He locked his hands around my neck and pressed harder and harder. I struggled to breathe and began trying to get him off of me.

I woke up on the floor, breathing heavy and sweating buckets. I got some milk and placed the blanket folded on the end of the sofa.

Checking my watch, I took a gulp of milk and swallowed. 6:45 AM. I decided to play the game me and Simon were playing and he got stuck. I completed the level and stared at the ceiling, twiddling my thumbs.

"The baby fairy," I chuckled and rested my hands on my stomach. "How stupid."

As Bea and I sat under an oak tree with a picnic basket and a traditional checked blanket, her wearing skinny jeans and an ocean blue, low cut t-shirt and me wearing my familiar oversized rugby t-shirt with baggy jeans, we watched the ducks argue over a piece of bread an elderly couple threw before leaving. My bet's on that they went to bingo.

"They're gonna start wrestling in a minute, get your phone on camera, Bea." I cracked a joke and she smiled.

"We can't be the first people to witness ducks quacking violently at eachother over a piece of bread," She stated and bit into her sandwich. Non gluten sandwich, actually. "Ducks are savage beasts."

"Agreed." I took a swig of my cola and observed the duck's argument.

To make it even, Bea threw some of her gluten free sandwich over and they stopped quacking "violently" at eachother.

We then led in the sun, sharing headphones, her reading Paper Towns by John Green and me writing music. After a few minutes of near silent, she placed her bookmark in her book and rested it next to her then turned to me.

"What have you got so far?" She asked, on her side, leaning on her elbow with her hand on her ear.

"Nothing much," I stated and showed her. "Just a tune and a few lyrics."

"You're really talented, you know. But I couldn't deal with a famous boyfriend," Bea closed her eyes and laid on her back. "The paparazzi would be way too much."

"Yeah, paps are harsh. Only downside of fame is there's always gonna be a camera there. No matter if you're doing good or bad."

I entwined our hands and stared at the clouds as they rotated slowly.

"Do you ever think we'll get a present from the baby fairy?" She teased before laughing at herself.

"I know it was bad," I admitted before sharing her laugh. "But cut me some slack, I was creative."

"Very true."

She twirled her hair around her finger and then pointed to a cloud that looked like a baby elephant and giggled.

Her giggle was the sweetest thing that has ever come upon my eardrums. I pulled her towards me and caressed her cheek with the back of my hand. She wriggled slightly as I stroked and began to giggle.

"You shouldn't giggle," I grinned slightly.

"Why?" Bea knew exactly what she was doing and raised an eyebrow, pretending to be clueless.

We had made a deal that we wouldn't have sex again until we'd settled down with jobs and it was passed Beatrice's 18th birthday, which was in 2 weeks. She's been teasing me ever since we made the pact a few months ago, and we've been so close to breaking it way too many times now. We didn't want to have an "accident" and have to stay with our Mums like Anne and Josh, we wanted to have our own place like a proper, grown up couple.

"Nevermind," I smiled and looked down.

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