Chapter 6 - "Take a shot, Daddy."

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"Do you want some pancakes?" Beatrice's mum asked me the next morning.

I nodded my head and proceeded to sit at the table. My watch read 12:00 PM. I was quite surprised, actually. It was one of the first times I'd not been rudely awoken by Simon and Rose since they were 2.

Embracing the moment, I relaxed into the stool and placed my hands gently on the counter.

Her mother laid the pancakes in front of me, with various topping options.

At 12:20, I had demolished 3 whole pancakes, and felt like I was going to explode.

A few hours after, Beatrice still wasn't awake, so I decided to go and check on her.

There was no sign of her in her bedroom, neither in her mother's.

After a few minutes of pacing, I began to get worried. I'd checked all but the place she was in. The bathroom. She hung her head to look down at the white scales she was stood upon, and sighed deeply. I approached her cautiously, but she must have seen me in the mirror. She moved her fringe from her face and stepped from the scales.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, but," I cleared my throat. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, it doesn't matter." She turned and fake smiled at me.

I led her downstairs and offered to get her something to eat; but she said she had already eaten today.

Beatrice's mum left for work, so me and Bea had the house to ourselves. We watched a few movies and she gripped my hand tightly through the scary bits as we watched Sinister. It wasn't that scary, but Beatrice obviously had a different opinion, since she was screaming in my ear every second.

Later, Anne and Josh came over and we all had a few drinks of vodka. Accept Anne. She was stuck with her orange juice, then she upgraded to an apple and mango J2o with ice. Fancy.

"That's the reason this baby needs to come out," Anne smiled and patted her stomach gently. "I'll be able to drink again!"

We all chuckled and decided to play "I have never", a drinking game where someone says "I have never" with something they truly haven't done, and if you've done it you drink a shot. It was pretty pathetic, but we had to make the most of the free time we had together. Our hobby. To get drunk with an 18 year old pregnant woman observing us, and laughing at us as we got more and more drunk.

"I have never got anyone pregnant," I protested and glared at Josh. "Take a shot, daddy."

As Josh threw back the shot, Beatrice was chuckling like a maniac.

"Daddy," She said, between laughter. "I get it!"

I nudged her and she stopped laughing.

Anne cleared her throat. "Your turn, Beatrice."

Even after everyone called Beatrice Bea, Anne has always seemed to called her by her first name. I couldn't understand why. Besides, my brain was hurting already from the vodka's kick, but there we go.

"I have never faked being sick to skip school." Bea announced and poured us both a new shot.

We necked them and reacted worst than the first few.

Josh swallowed the rest of the vodka in his mouth and prepared to speak. "I have never forced a girl to have sex with me."

The atmosphere went cold, and we all fell silent.

"We haven't done that." I mumbled.

Josh raised his eyebrow, then smiled. "Are you sure?"

"Of course I am." I began getting irritated.

As he began tormenting me, my face filled with rage and I exited to the kitchen.

Why did everyone think I had pressured Bea into sex? Who told them?

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