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I wish I could say things got better for us after I woke up, but if I did, I would be lying. Life isn't peaches and cream. It is a roller coaster full of bad people who put you down because you're different or they simply don't like you for no reason. As I've been alive for almost 18 years now, I know a thing or two about how to survive in our society. It's got 4 letters and it supposedly lasts forever. We'll see about that. I'm Oliver Wicks, and this is my story.

Dear Diary,

As per usual, Dwyane, captain of the football team, is the first to greet me. Without fail, he always seems to get on my nerves as soon as I entered the school gates.

"Hey Olive Tree," Dwayne blocks me from going to English class. He still hasn't grown up yet. I'm not entirely surprised. "You looking forward for football tryouts today?"

I grunt in frustration. "You know I don't play football."

"Oh I remember now," He laughs in my face. "Apologizes, Olive Tree."

"My name is Oliver."

"I know. Olive Tree is just a tradition now," Dwayne says as the bell pierces everyone's ear drums. "See you later."

As he shoves past me, his cologne fills my nose and causes me to gag. Overkill is an understatement.

I enter the classroom and take my usual seat; back, left corner, closest to the window and all access for bully interrogation.

The rest of the class files in and the lesson starts. I squint from my seat at the whiteboard and struggle to write the date and title in my exercise book. Who the heck puts a kid with glasses at the back? I have glass lenses to help me to just get by, not superpowers.

All lessons are the same. It's getting boring, actually. Accept today is different. After school I met a girl online that is obsessed with You Me At Six and we spent the rest of the day talking and making eachother laugh. Because she lives in Indianapolis, she went to bed while I was still wide awake. Timezones are going to be hard to deal with, okay? I doubt it'll be long before he leaves me alone to rot in my own self pity. I battle everyday with myself and nobody hears my secret screams. I below out for help but nobody hears me. It's like screaming with no noise coming out. Like a soap opera on mute.

I was wrong. Beatrice never left. In fact, this story is about us and how she changed me. If only I could say that, it only gets worse from here. I suggest you put this book down now before the disease of society spreads to your head too. Or if you've already got it then join our club, we meet every Wednesday and occasionally bring cookies.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed the mini teaser/prologue I put together :) The first chapter isn't officially uploaded until April 6th but I thought I'd give you something to ease your WAIK withdrawl symptoms. I'm a good person. Be sure to vote and if you're new here go and check out WAIK in my works! (you kind of have to read it to get the jist of what's going on in the story)

See you on April 6th! 20 days to go c:



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