Chapter 12 - "Do you want a lollipop?"

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"Isn't she awake yet?" Louise panicked on the blue seat next to me. "I miss her, Olly."

At this moment in time, she was being selfish if you asked me. But, again, nobody was really asking me anything but annoying rhetorical questions like I didn't miss her as much as they did; if not more.

Me being me, I didn't say anything because now, as my girlfriend lay unconscious on her hospital bed with a respirator going down her windpipe to help her lungs to do their damn job, clearly wasn't the time.

Sorry lungs, but get your ass in gear. That's if you have one, of course.

"Speaking of ass in gear," I mumbled under my breath, but Louise still heard and raised her eyebrow at me. "Where are the doctors?"

"They said they're going hourly check ups, but it's only been 15 minutes since the last one." She commented as her phone rang. She observed the caller ID before arrogantly answering with a plain. "She's fine."

"Who?" I mouthed as she put the phone down.

"Dillon got hold of my number again," Louise rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. She had that look in her eyes that just plainly said "fuck off."

"Again?" I pondered aloud, slightly oblivious.

She bit her lip and shunned the subject. "Nevermind."

I took Bea's humid hand and carresed it within my fingers. Suddenly, my memory rejogged to the night of my overdose.

I had my hand wrapped on the bottle of pills and my expression switched to determined. My eyes narrowed and I cunningly popped open the pill lid. The popping sound has always been satisfactory to me, like a realease. I poured a handful of pills into my mouth and swallowed down hard not having any second thoughts. One handful turned into four within a matter of seconds. I laid back on my bed and eased my eyes of the light, remembering everything that wasn't to live anymore. My dad even told me that I was useless and that I was a rape baby. He'd always used to say, "Rape babies never succeed," over and over again like Miss Trunchable from Matilda. At the time, I wish I could move cake with my eyes. I would have used that trick many times if I had. Many more things crossed my mind; mum, Anne and her mysterious boyfriend, school, the amount of pressure I was being put under by not telling my mum about Dad's secret affair with the elderly couple next door's daughter. But the last person I thought of before my brain shut me off for what I thought was for good, wasn't so bad. In fact she had lit up my gloom for months now. Beatrice. I last thought of Bea before I slipped myself into a coma. My last breath was for her. I gulped the air in and said the three words I was so afraid of saying to her.

"I love you," I swallowed and held my stomach as it yelled for a second chance. My vision was awfully blurry; I couldn't see a thing at all. My ears failed too. But my heart was still beating; still loving her as I gently closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Beatrice flashed before my eyes. She was wearing a white dress that flowed in the wind and she was getting further and further away from me. She held her hand out and, believe me, I tried to grab it. The overdose made me realise how much I didn't want to die at all; suicide truly wasn't the answer. But it had took me so many attempts to realise this. Maybe it was too late. Maybe I was already dead and the ones surrounding me were 6ft under too. I became breathless in a fluster of panic. Although I wasn't breathing, I still had a lack of breath. Beatrice wasn't by my side and it made me panic; like I'd lost her forever.

I vividly remember opening my eyes and greeting Bea. But she didn't know I had my eyes open. The hospital room was dark and grim until a nurse came and open the blinds; shooting me a hopefull look. My eyes were open, but nobody could see that I was alive. This is when I slipped into the final stage of my coma. She was talking about some tattoo she wanted to get done but would be too scared. Now I remember. She wanted to get something I'd said on her skin because I was that important to her.

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