Chapter 3

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Aizawa and Yamada returned to their seats after the short introduction, while Izuko was looking around the study room. The ceilings were high and the walls were in cased with thousands of books, in the middle of the room was a decent sized desk table that could hold 6 people, on either side of the window pane, there was two extra desks, both equipped with computers, "This place is incredible" Izuko spoke softly, dumbfounded by the exquisite room, Yamada looked up from his desk to face her "I know right? Third years get priority over the study rooms, since y'know we're third years" he grinned as he watched her go to the number of books on the shelves as she picked at the spine of the books looking intrigued "Theres books from human anatomy, to Hero science; From Japanese literature to the fundamentals of quirk development" Izuko looked over at Yamada in shock "And I can read as many as I please?" he gave her a confused look "Didn't Principal Nedzu not explain why you're here?" she shook her head. 

"No, all he said was that it would be a great opportunity for me to have extra study time-" she paused midway through the sentence as she thought back to what he said- 

"Your interllect is higher than your average fifteen year old" 

"It's good to see a student dedicated to themselves and their studies" 

"We  have discussed your RGQM with staff..." 

then suddenly it all clicked in her head "I guess he wants me to carry on with my own independent research on my RGQM" she thought, "Hey Midoriya-chan? is everything alright?" Yamada was in waving his hand to her, she shook of her train of thought "Study sessions allows a student to use this time to study and research topics they want to expand further- for example, if someone wants to expand their knowledge of Quirks; they can do that during this time; study sessions don't have to be in the study rooms; most students want to improve physically- so they're allowed to train in the Replica City district or at the P.E grounds" Izuko was stunned at the sudden voice as Aizawa spoke out to her, not taking his eyes off his work. Yamada chuckled while scratching his head "Yeah thats what I was about to say" Izuko giggled as she returned to the bookshelves; selecting the books she wanted. When she was done, she made her way to the desk and sat opposite the two boys, placing down her books of choice. "Thats interesting..." Yamada spoke up while looking up from his work, Izuko looked up from her notebook "What do you mean?" she questioned as she followed his gaze to the books "The books?" he then stroked his chin "The Biology of Quirk formation, the fundamentals of  Genetic Quirk Mutations and the National Encyclopaedia of Quirks 2002" Aizawa twitched and gained a sudden interest in Izuko's book choice but decided not to get involve; but that didn't stop him from listening to what she had to say "Those are very specific books... Why did you pick them?" Yamada question as he leaned closer to try and intimidate her "I-I uhh I just find quirks interesting; how we went from being normal humans to evolving with special supernatural abilities we now call quirks. It's fascinating- for example did you know that 76.3% of the composition of a person's blood her posses a quirk is actually-" Izuko went rambling on as Aizawa looked up from his work and looked at her in slight annoyance and shocked at the amount of information she was spurting out; Yamada was also shocked at how much information she could keep as well "So ultimately the more we use our quirk, we could actually suffer the consequences of quirk overuse in the future-" she slapped her hand across her mouth "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have rambled on like that" she flustered, embarrassed by the seen she just made "Why do I do this to myself" she thought as Yamada spoke up "W-Wow thats amazing, how can you keep so much information in your head? what are you? a child prodigy" her eyes widened as she felt her face heat up to an extremely bright red colour "N-No I've always been amazed by the biology of quirks, I hope that the information I retain will be useful to help others" she smiled, Aizawa sighed; 

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