Chapter 4

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A hot summers day in the middle of June brightened Izuko's day. She had now been attending private after school training with Recovery Girl for a little over a month now; and she had been going to her study sessions for nearly two months now. Everything was going so well, until a loud crash was heard in Study room 20- Izuko winced at the loud sound "You guys, you're not supposed to be here; be glad that Aizawa-senpai and Yamada-senpai were nice enough to late you stay" she sighed as she saw Ken groaning under a pile of books that fell off the shelf, while Anakuro was chuckling "W-We're sorry Izuko-chan, we promise we will stay quiet from now on" Ken spoke, struggling to get up until Anakuro helped him up "You shouldn't be apologising to Midoriya, me and Yamada are the ones who let you stay here" Aizawa stated, not looking up from his work. This was true, a couple of weeks ago; Anakuro and Ken were curious to see what Izuko was up to during her study sessions.


Izuko opened the door to the study session and walked in and suddenly two figures appeared "H-Hirooki-kun, I-Ishi-kun what are you to doing here!?" she exclaimed while shooing Anakuro and Ken out of the room "Awww don't be like that Izuko-chan! we just wanted to see the room!" Anakuro whined "He's right, you nearly talk about what you do so we just wanted to see for ourselves" Ken chimed in while Izuko was panicking, "L-Look I promise I will tell you all about my time here at Lunch. Right now, you need to get out before the senpa-" she paused mid-sentence as she gulped, looking up to see the tall older students standing in the doorframe "Oi Midoriya, who are these two? they're not supposed to be here" Aizawa frowned as he glared at the three first year students "O-Oh Aizawa-senpai, theres no need to worry about them they were just about to leave" Izuko smiled, however the curves of her mouth turned upside down when she saw her friends on their hands and knees begging "Please senpais! Please let us stay" Anakuro grovelled as Ken spoke up "We promise not to disturb you, we just want to know what Izuko-chan does in this time" Yamada began chuckling "Oi maybe we should let them stay, its not gonna be an issue for us as long as they stay quiet" he whispered as Aizawa's glare was set on his friend,

"If they want to know what Midoriya does in this time so badly, they can just be patient and wait until Lunch"he groaned while the two were still begging

"Please senpai!"

"Please we promise we won't make a sound"

Yamada was smiling as Aizawa groaned in defeat "Fine, sit on the other side of the room and shut up" Aizawa continued into the room and walked towards Izuko

"You owe me for this" he mumbled before taking his seat at the desk.


Izuko smiled at Aizawa nervously "I know, I apologise Aizawa-senpai" They all continued to work until Yamada spoke "Hey, don't you all get your hero suits today?" he asked as the three first years looked to him "Yeah we got them this morning, actually we all have pictures if you want to see them?" Anakuro replied, when Izuko froze up "Oh no, they have a photo of mine" she thought, as she frantically tried to stop the discussion from going any further "A-Actually, m-mine is still a prototype, s-so its still not what I wanted" she panicked as she saw Anakuro smirking "Ahhh, well I have it right here; you wanna see Yamada-senpai... Aizawa-senpai?" Izuko's face turned pale as she saw Aizawa approach the duo with Yamada "Yeah, let's see it" "Sure, why not" Izuko leaped from her seat to try and stop them;

"H-Hang on w-wait!" she screeched as her whole face went red. She closed her eyes shut as she engulfed her face with her hands. The room was speechless, there was silence; confused, Izuko looked up from her embarrassed state to see the third years frozen, Yamada had a minor nosebleed while Aizawa had a faint blush on his face. "Its very... tightly fitted... I asked for it to be loose but they got the measurements wrong" she stuttered as the two didn't move an inch.

Eraserhead and The Malachite Angel Story Part 1 (Aizawa Shouta x OC)Where stories live. Discover now