Ch. 16: Nightmare... or Flashback of The Attack

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(Oh. Just so you're all wondering how the daughter's name is pronounced. It's Eye-shuh. Not A as in alien. But as you say the letter I. Like that old youtube video with that guy singing 'Aisha lady. One day you'll be real.' Anyways.)

Later on at night, you're all asleep. You and Vincent are sound asleep upstairs. Victor's in his room sleeping. The wives are downstairs in their rooms sleeping. Aisha is tossing and turning. She flinches a little in her sleep. She gets up and she walks out of the room. She heads downstairs to the kitchen. She gets to the sink and she gets a cup out.

She gets herself a glass of water and she drinks it. She suddenly hears this, "Aisha?" She looks over and she sees you. She says, "Oh. Hi mama." You walk over to her and you say, "Is something the matter, sweetheart?" You put your hands on her shoulders.

She says, "Dreams... bad dreams. I'll try and go back to bed after I drink some water." You kiss her on the forehead and you say, "Alright, sweetheart. Have a good night. And try not to let those bad dreams get to your head." She says, "I'll try." You kiss her on the cheek and you say, "I love you." She says, "Love you too, mama." You head out of the kitchen and back to bed.

Aisha finishes her glass of water and she heads back upstairs to her room. She gets in there and closes the door behind her. She sees something hanging on her window right outside. She says, "What is that?" She walks over and opens the window.

She grabs it and it's a note. She opens it and it reads, 'Beautiful eyes. Beautiful smile. Everything about you is perfect. Tomorrow morning, you shall receive yet another gift, my future bride to be.' She says, "Again? Another note?" She puts the note down and she gets on her bed, pulling the covers over herself. She drifts off to sleep. But then... she starts having the nightmare again... or flashback.

Flashback to the attack...

You, Vincent, the kids and the wives are all out in the back swimming. Just having the time of your lives. The wives are all giggling, running around, playing, etc. Henrietta and Daniella are sitting on a golden stone as they talk.

Daniella says, "I'm telling you. Gayle farted in her sleep. Twelve times." She and Henrietta laugh. Gayle says, "Yeah yeah. Laugh it up. Come on. We had beans earlier that day. Do not judge." She turns around and folds her arms saying, "Psh. Judge me for my little problem." They giggle. Aisha does too.

But things were about to get horrifying. Suddenly, they hear the sound of war cries from some people and they look over to see a bunch of men from the village. You all gasp. They start shooting off guns. You gasp and you get up. You grab Victor and Aisha and you say, "Get inside! Now! Both of you!" Victor says, "No mother! You and Aisha get inside! Father and I need to fight them off!"

Right outside the nightmare, Aisha flinches in her sleep. She whispers, "No... no. Daniella."

Back in the nightmare, Vincent and Victor send you and Aisha inside. The wives get inside too. But when Henrietta and Daniella get up to run back to the door, they get stopped by two men. They scream. Vincent yells, "Leave them alone!" Victor yells, "Get away from them, you fuckers!" One guy grabs Henrietta and she screams.

Something deep down inside Daniella snaps and she yells, "Get the fuck off of her!!" One man behind her points his dart gun towards her head and shoots her. She gasps and she coughs up blood. She falls to the ground. Henrietta screams and yells, "DANIELLA!!" You hear this and you and Aisha look outside.

Aisha screams, "DANIELLA! NOOOO!!" You scream, "OH GOD!!" You hold your daughter close, protecting her out of instinct. Vincent and Victor are horrified. The men let Henrietta go and she runs back inside, screaming. Vincent and Victor both snap and they start killing the monstrous villagers one by one. In less than a minute.

The wives come out and they're all horrified. Henrietta told them that Daniella was killed and you all crowd around her. The dart was going from the back of her head to the front. Her entire forehead is oozing some blood. Aisha sobs out of control and she coughs as she cries. You hold her close and you comfort her. Tears are coming down your face as are other wives. Even Gayle, who hardly cries since she's the sassy type.

Vincent and Victor sigh and they pick up the now dead Daniella. Vincent sighs and says, "So long... Daniella. You've sacrificed yourself to save Henrietta. Another fellow wife." He looks at all of you and says, "Daniella... is dead." Aisha shakes and you hold her close.

End of nightmare slash flashback...

Aisha jolts up and she lets out a scream. "NO! DANIELLA!!" You and Vincent jolt up and you get up from bed. You run out of your room and you guys get to Aisha's room. You swing her door open and you see her shaking and whimpering.

You and Vincent gasp and you go over to her. Vincent turns her lantern on and you sit next to her. You say, "Sweetheart... come here. Come to mama." She crawls to you and says, "M-mama. Daddy. I... I had a horrible dream! It's... it's the attack! Daniella! I... I wish it was me instead!" You and Vincent gasp.

You and Vincent hold her close and he says, "Shh... sweetheart. I'm sorry you've had that dream. I'm sorry it actually happened. But Daniella is not coming back. I'm sorry." She sobs. You rock her a little and you say, "Shh, my little darling. Mama's right here. Shh." Vincent says, "As is daddy."

Vincent kisses her on the forehead. You kiss her too. She continues crying and she clings to you. Suddenly, Victor and the wives get there too. They heard the screaming and Victor says, "What happened? Why is Aisha screaming? Is someone hurting her?!"

You and Vincent look over. Vincent says, "Your sister had a nightmare, son. About Daniella." Victor says, "Ah, shit. Little sister." He walks in and she looks over at her brother. He ducks down and he puts his hand on her face.

He says, "Hey... I'm sorry you've had that nightmare, but you have to forget about it, alright? There's nothing you can do to bring Daniella back. But you're safe now. Father and I are here to protect you, mother and the wives. It is our duty."

You sigh and you hug your son. He hugs you back. You kiss him on the cheek and you say, "Oh, Victor. I'm thankful to have my two favorite men in the world. You and your father." A few wives come over and they help you guys comfort Aisha.

She relaxes and she lays back down. You all tell her goodnight and Vincent pulls the covers over her. You and Vincent kiss her goodnight. Victor pats her on the head and says, "Goodnight, little sister." She yawns and says, "Goodnight to you all." You turn her lantern off and you all leave the room. Aisha falls asleep.

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