Chapter 2

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Security collected the unconscious Kane Barnes moments after we landed on the roof of the agency. Scotty didn't speak to anyone after our argument, spending the remainder of the trip concentrating on flying the helicopter before rushing off in a quiet mood on arrival, while I cleaned the copter of everyone's belongings.

Footsteps scuttled behind me. "Amber," said Gabby.

I turned, handing her back her cardigan. "Yeah?"

She held up her phone. "I've got a text. Collins wants to speak to you, Scotty and Barnes."

I looked to Derek. He was still sitting in the same place on the helicopter with his head in his hands, his shoulders barely moving as he breathed.

"Can it wait?" I asked, almost begging.

She sighed. "I'll see what I can do about him but Collins really needs to speak to you."

I nodded. "Okay."

I squeezed Derek's arm as I walked past, hesitant to let go as I left the helicopter. An instant gust of wind hit me as I walked out and I shivered. England was often cold this time of year and was a stark contrast to the humid Brazilian air.

After pulling on my jacket, I swung open the rooftop door.


The top floor wasn't much warmer than the stairs, a slight chill still lingering in the air as I closed the door behind me. After a single step in the direction of Collins' office, I was stopped by the sound of applause from a lone individual.

With a frown, I turned to face the source.

"Agent Knight," said the clapper: a woman. "Congratulations on capturing that assassin. Remarkable work."

She was leaning by a wall, watching me as her clapping died out. A half smile tugged on her dark pink lips as she pushed off from the wall, strutting towards me as though I were an old friend.

She stopped in front of me, the smile on her vulpine features growing. "Do I know you?" I asked.

Her eyes flashed. They were pretty, like a rustic, antique coin sparkling at the bottom of a fountain. "No but you will," she said, holding out a well-manicured hand. "Rose Greyson, or Agent Greyson, if you prefer."

Hesitantly I shook her hand. "Amber Knight."

"I know that," she assured with confidence, looking me up and down. "I just got promoted to the top level. We'll be working together a lot."

I tried to force a smile — I really did — but all I could manage was a faint twitch of my lips. "Great." I let out a sigh. "Look, I really need to speak with Agent Collins so..."

"Oh! No worries," she said. "We can talk later. I'll see you around the office."

Before I could reply, she brushed past me. I turned my head to watch her walk away, fawn waves swaying as she headed towards the interrogation room.

With a feeling of discomfort now residing in the pit of my stomach, I set off to meet with Collins.


I knocked once before entering, expecting nothing other than a smiling Collins sitting behind a desk or looking out the window. To my surprise, I was greeted by a broad, middle-aged man in a black suit, his interlocked hands behind his back breaking apart as he watched me enter the room.

He nodded in my direction. "Agent Knight."

I blinked and raised my eyebrows, looking to Collins for a name, a title or...anything!

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