Chapter 16

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Collins came rushing down the stairs. "Jade's not here," he said.

"I've tried contacting her," I replied, showing him my phone. "No answer."

"She could just be out," Scotty said, forcing hope. "Her phone could have died... right?"

"It's possible," said Davis. 

"We had a dinner reservation," I explained. "She wouldn't have been out, Rick wouldn't have let her. There's definitely something wrong."

Davis nodded. "No-one has found a body yet."

The four of us looked outside at the dozen yellow-jacketed police officers that scoured the grounds, searching for any signs of the missing teenager. Blue and red lights flashed outside, so bright that I had to squint to see Derek in the shadows, sitting on the curb.

"He hasn't said a word since they arrived?" Said Collins.

"Nothing," I sighed. "He's just... sitting there."

"Maybe you should take him home," said Davis.

"He'd want to help look for Jade," I replied. "We both do."

"He needs rest," Davis said. "And you need to be there for him."

Conflicted, I frowned. In my eyes, the search would be a lot faster if Derek and I were part of it. However, deciding whether or not Derek was in a state to search for his sister was another matter entirely. I thought that once the tears stopped he would begin healing but no; the wound was still growing despite the tears drying. Perhaps it was dangerous to get him involved, for both him and Jade. 

"I'll stay," Scotty said. "If there's any change or a solid lead on her, I'll let you both know."

I nodded. "Thank you." 

I headed out the door and Scotty called my name. "Look after him," he said. "He needs you."

I blinked back the stinging in my eyes and headed towards Derek.

He hadn't moved since he left to sit outside an hour earlier. His head hung low, the red and blue lights dancing across one side of his face while the other sat in shadow. What could you say to someone in such pain? What words could stitch together a wound that you couldn't even see? 

"Hi," I said quietly. He blinked and looked up at me. 

"Have they found anything?" He asked.

I shook my head. "They're still looking."

"Oh." He looked back down at the ground.

"But... they say she may still be alive," I assured. "There's still hope, isn't there?"

He swallowed and exhaled heavily, slowly blinking. He had to say something. Just one thing to let me know he would be okay. I watched him expectantly, digging his nails into his jeans until his let go, climbing to his feet. "I'm going for a walk," he said.

"Do you want me to go with you?"

"No!" He sighed. "No, please. I want to be alone. I'll meet you at your flat."

He staggered away. Should I have run after him? Grabbed onto his shoulder and held him until he agreed to come home with me and get some rest until he was ready to continue the search? The small shred of doubt that tugged at my heartstrings told me he needed his space, that it would be good for him to clear his head, so I called back to him. "Home," I said. He looked over his shoulder. "You'll meet me at our home."

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