Chapter 15

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I slept in the next morning. There was nothing to wake up early for. No job. No clear intent for the morning ahead. I tossed and turned all night, stretching out my aching limbs as dawn broke through the curtains but lying still, watching the light slipping beneath the fabric. Derek began yawning at ten so that was when I decided to get up, getting a sluggish hug from the side as he spotted me moving. 

"You alright?" He asked mid-yawn.

"Mm," I mumbled into the pillow.

He cocked his head and ran his hand through my hair, the tips of his fingers moving in circular motions at the back of my neck. 

"You know what it's time for?"

I raised a brow. "Books?"



"You can have both," he shrugged, lips forming a smile as he gestured to the back of the bedroom. "I'd rather not read one of those bricks you've got on the shelf."

"They're good books," I insisted.

"Is that why you've read them, what is it now, twelve times each?"

"That's just one of them. The rest I've only read like... eight."

"Eight?" He gasped. "Those are shocking numbers, Miss Knight. You need to get into double figures with every book on that shelf, otherwise your status as a bookworm will have to be revoked."

I laughed slightly before remembering that my status had been revoked; my agency status. I looked down at my hands as my stomach dropped, curling my fingers around the white bedsheets.

"Hey," said Derek as he leaned towards me. He took my hand and softly held it. "You are more than your job. Much more."

He leaned in and kissed me, squeezing my hand before jumping up from the bed. 

He stretched out his arms and yawned again. "We need a battle plan for Rodriguez," he said. "You go for the legs, I'll go for the head?"


Derek and I had been out of bed for little more than an hour before Scotty came bursting through the door, still wearing his pyjamas and a navy blue dressing gown.

"Morning, unemployed accomplices!"

"Scotty," Derek warned.

Scotty raised his hands. "I'm joking, chill out pretty boy." He closed the door behind him, his face softening as he wandered over to me. "Are you feeling okay?"

I turned the page of my book, not looking up from the words. "Collins said he can fix this. I trust him to do just that."

Scotty sat down beside me. "Exactly," he said. "Now, what do we do today now that we don't have jobs to go to?"

An idea struck and I quickly closed my book. "Is Rose busy today? I wanted to ask about the progress of Sienna."

"She said she's busy," sighed Scotty. "Last night she told me that Rodriguez is giving her double the work considering four top floor agents have been fired."

"Aw, did baby Scotty get rejected for his date?" Cooed Derek from the kitchen.

Scotty opened his mouth to reply but, for once, had nothing to say. He snuffed at Derek and shook his head, making Derek cackle. 

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