Can We Stay At an Inn?

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El woke up on the ground next to the spent campfire. She sat up and twisted her torso, stretching her muscles and cracking her back. She looked around. Gabriel was on his knees, saying his morning prayers sword in hand. The horses were already packed up. She was grateful that he did most of the work during the trip. It was good for the soul, he said, but she thought he felt guilty for making her camp so much.

Before sundown, they would be at the crypt. She began to prepare herself for the epic meltdown that was sure to follow his disappointment.

Gabriel got up. "You're awake! Good. I wanted to get started. We'll be in Lystra tomorrow."

El began rolling up her sleeping gear. "Ow," she said, rubbing her back. "Gabriel, can we please stay at an inn tonight? There is that one a few minutes' ride from the crypt. The Hunter's Lodge, remember? Father took us there that one time when we were going to visit the Branvolds."

"The one with all the stuffed animal heads on the walls? I suppose. They had really good stew from what I remember. The owners were pretty old. I wonder if they are still alive or if the inn is even open."

Eleenia chuckled. "Remember how you and Alexander got into a fight with their grandsons? What was that over?"

Gabriel winced. "I don't remember. I just remember the beating we received from Father afterwards. It was difficult to ride the next day!"

"Just to let you know, Father was impressed that you two took on four kids almost twice your size. I hope they haven't taken over the inn. Or if they do, they don't remember us."

"There are plenty of other places to stay if they do."

El gave a sigh of relief. They were sleeping at an inn tonight.

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