An Uncertain Future

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As they walked back to castle Eddington, David told Gabriel the details of the battle with the necromancer. "When I got back to father, Alexander was already dead, but father was clinging to life. He told me to always walk in the light, and then he died in my arms."

Gabriel wiped a tear from his eye. "I'm glad you were the last one Mother and Father both saw before they crossed over. They would be proud of the man you have become."

David shrugged. "I don't know. I've used my gifts to leverage people into positions where I was clearly taking advantage of them."

"True, but you've made a lot of people a lot more money than their station in life would normally afford them. Plus, you never outright cheated anyone, did you?"

"Heavens no," David insisted. "I merely used the tactics that Master Cohen taught us. I was always honest, and the people I dealt with trusted me. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do now. I'm too old to enter the university or to be initiated into the Holy Defenders, not that your path would fit me. Still, it always used to be an option."

"Old man Hollinger was looking to sell his Angel's Reach estate on the river downstream from Avonshire. It is outside the city walls, yet it has a large dock and warehouse. The village around it is very quaint and friendly. If you wanted to keep on trading, you may consider making him an offer," Gabriel suggested.

"What is he asking?"

"150 thousand gold. You could definitely afford that much."

David laughed. "Brother, by the time I'm done with Mr. Hollinger, I will be paying substantially less. Cash in hand is a very powerful bargaining chip."

"How are you going to transport you wealth to Avonshire?"

David pointed to a building. "I keep it in the Royal Bank. I'll get a signed and certified voucher tomorrow, and then turn it in to the Royal Bank in Avonshire. Merchants do it all the time."

Gabriel scratched his head. "How do they keep track of it all?"

"They pay smart people a lot of money to track it, and they pay smarter people even more money to watch over the trackers."

They reached one of the many small town squares. Since it was late, all of the stalls were closed. However, there was a crowd of people gathered around a crier, yelling at the top of his voice. "Healer Eleenia Ki Kalendeen from the University at Avonshire has found the cause and a cure to the Snakepox! All those who keep the legs of their beds in a container of water to keep the snakes from climbing into their beds, it is advised that you change out the water at least twice a week, as it becomes a breeding ground for insects that cause the blisters! Mix three parts aloe, one part vorkus root, and one part pure grain alcohol into a lotion, rub it onto the affected areas of your skin, and wrap it in bandages! Two days later, you shall be cured!" The crier repeated his message after the excited murmur of the crowd died down.

"Well, I'll be damned! That girl is a smart one," David exclaimed. "Father always said she was the most gifted of the three of us. Never to our face, of course, but I used to hide under the table while he dined with Mother."

"Really?" Gabriel asked. "What did he say of me?"

"That of all of us, you were the most touched by the Spirit. He expected great things of you. He said that you take after Mother the most. You had the best aptitude for all arts martial, and he always knew you would make a fine Holy Defender who would be remembered throughout the ages."

Gabriel blushed. "Well, I don't know about all that. What did he say about you?"

"That I was the one always causing trouble, and the most adventurous. To be honest he didn't talk much about me. He had great concerns about Alexander's ability to rule Lystra, and he suspected that the responsibility would fall on me."

"From your mouth to God's ears, brother. One day, I pray you reestablish our family. Now, tell me about this necromancer and General. When we get back to Avonshire, I am going to make the case to the Templar Majorus that we not suffer them to live."

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