A Father's Will

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The young noble sat on the opposite side of the room from the pregnant woman and her irate father. On the edge of his seat, he was screaming at Lord Ki Kalendeen. "I am the only son of Lord Edington of New Portsmouth! You have no jurisdiction in this case! I demand that you release me immediately!"

Alexander smiled. "You're threats carry no weight here, child."

The noble stood up, an indignant look on his face. "How dare you refer to me in that manner, Ki Kalendeen! My father shall have your head for this! I am no child!"

"But you are acting like a child, a child who is throwing a temper tantrum. Richard Eddington, my ruling stands. You admitted this woman carries your child, and you shall marry her before she gives birth." He began to roll up the scroll in his hands, indicating that the court session was closed.

Richard sat back down slowly, stunned. The fight seemed to be taken out of his voice. "You don't know the dishonor this will cause my family. Laurel isn't of noble birth. My father will disown me. Please, Lord Ki Kalendeen! It's not that I don't find her attractive, and I will support the child, but I cannot marry her!" He put his head in his hands and began to cry. "What will my father say?"

Lord Ki Kalendeen reached into his long red and gold robe, pulling out a scrolled parchment. "Richard, I have here a letter from your father. Last month, when Master Lubick came to me with these charges, I sent a messenger to New Portsmouth to discuss the matter with Lord Edington."

Richard stood up again. "You WHAT?!?"

"Your father already knows. Would you like to hear his response? Well, even if you don't, you are still going to hear it. It reads 'Honorable Lord Ki Kalendeen, in regards to the situation of my son and the tailor's daughter. Two years ago when Richard left Porstmouth, my heart was heavy. My beloved son fled my castle in anger. He was angry with me and he had nothing but hate in his soul. If you happen to come across him, please convey this message to him. The words I hastily spoke were wrong, and I did not mean them. They should never have been spoken, and if I could change the past I would. I cannot, however, and all I can ask is that he forgives me. He is my only son. As you are probably aware, his mother died during his birth. Please also tell him the woman who carries my grandchild is welcome in my home. It would be an honor to call her daughter. Please, Lord Alexander, send my son home if you find him. Thank you. Signed Lord Jonathan Edington, Lord of New Portsmouth.' Now, Richard, you have two choices. You can marry Laurel, or you can support the child by working the smelting pits in my dungeon. The choice is yours!"

Richard stood up and glared angrily at Lord Ki Kalendeen. David noticed that he was trying to suppress an emotional outburst. He radiated both hate and rage as he felt his chances of ascending to the throne via royal marriage slip through his fingers. He walked across the room to Laurel and knelt at her feet. "My darling Laurel, I ask that you forgive me for my arrogance. I also ask that you will be my wife and the future Lady Edington of New Portsmouth." Although he spoke the words, they were without feeling.

Laurel looked over towards her father, who beamed a smile at her and nodded. "Yes, Richard, I shall marry you." She threw her arms around Richard's neck and embraced his unmoving form.

The old tailor got up and knelt in front of Lord Ki Kalendeen's throne. "Thank you, my lord. Thank you. For the bottom of my heart, I thank you."

"Please, Master Lubick, stand up."

Lubick stood and grasped Alexander's hand. "I thank God in heaven that we have a lord such as you. Now I understand why they call you Lord Alexander the Just. Thank you again, my lord. Thank you."

Richard put his hand on the old man's shoulder. "Master Lubick. I ask that you also forgive me. I would be honored if you would come and live with us in New Portsmouth. And besides, I know of no other tailor who I would rather have make my bride's wedding gown."

Lubick turned and glared at the young noble. "You little spoiled bastard!" A thud rang out as Richard received a punch in the jaw. Lubick's face then warmed up and clasped Richard's hand. "Now, I can forgive you. I should not hold a grudge against the father of my grandchild."

Lord Alexander gave a relieved sigh. "Your father and I thought that would be your response. He sent a stage, and it is waiting to take all of you to New Portsmouth this very afternoon."

Lubick put his right arm around Laurel and his left around Richard, who was nursing his jaw dramatically, and they all turned and walked towards the large double doors. "Come, we shall be at your father's home in two days."

David watched Richard give one more hate-filled glare at Lord Ki Kalendeen as they exited the courtroom and hurried down the corridor.

Lord Ki Kalendeen walked over to David. "That's the last of them, son. Let's go have a glass of sweet wine and I shall answer a few questions you might have. Then we shall get ready for your brother's wedding. On second thought, I'll have Drake make you up a flask of strong tea. You'll need it to stay awake during the Bishop's service."

"Father, why was the only other option you gave him to work the smelting pits?"

Lord Ki Kalendeen let out a tired sigh. "I was only enforcing Lord Edington's wishes. He wants his son to learn responsibility. As you can see, the lesson was badly needed. I just hope when he becomes Lord of New Portsmouth, he has more of a backbone than his father."

"But why did YOU have to force him to marry? Shouldn't that have been Lord Edington's job?"

"It's better for a man to hate a total stranger than to hate his own father. Enough questions for now, my son. His Grace is in quite a talkative mood today and you may need more than one flask of tea to keep you awake."

Laughing, he put his arm around his youngest son and they walked out of the courtroom.

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