5.'O' Goddes

15 3 9

The final bell rings and the plan was sent into motion.

Seems like Jay and Sky  are somehow in each of my classes.

Oh yeah!

I walk out of class with Diana about to explode of excitement for her.

But, I stay quiet.

As, I planned she stops at her locker with me.

Sky walks up to her.


Her face reddens.

But, she talks to him.

I walk away knowing I could leave.I walk to where Jay leans against the lockers.

I stand next to him.

As we, both watch Sky and Diana talk.

"You know I'm like a total match maker, totally better than Cupid, I could even fix up an ass like you."

"I feel so grateful that a god like you will help me out in my love life."

"I didn't say I was a god but thank you for thinking I am one."

I say with a smile.

He rolls his eyes, but I can tell he's not annoyed.

"Fine, if you're better than Cupid, I'll take you up on that offer."


I say, ruining my act.

"I mean I knew you totally would need my help."

"Yes goddess, I am going to be in your debt."

He says while bowing.

"Did I just hear Jay call you a goddess?"

Sky interrupts.

"Why yes you did, from now I want to be called Goddess Cleo the match maker."

"Isn't Cupid that."

"Sky, Oh Sky, Cupid is now where near my level."

"I know because I have a date with Diana."

"Oh really,I'm so happy for her."

"Why aren't you happy for me?"

"Because, she had to wait almost a decade for you to admit your feelings, you idiot."

"She has a point Sky."

Jay says.

"That's right, wait did you just agree with me?"

"Don't get use to it."

"Ha, I would never. "

We start to walk back to the Smiths house, Jay with us."

"Oh Sky, I have the best news."

I say after the silence lasted a while.

"Bigger than, me getting a date with Diana?"

"Yes. Jay is going-"

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