6. Secerts always come out

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I'm ready before all the guys could even get up.

Which left me with some free time, so I decided to wonder.

What, a bad idea was that.

It was like one of those horror movies where you know if that girl opens up the door she's going to die, but she dose it anyway.

And, so maybe I might of woken up earlier because Bryan's words where bugging me and I needed answers.

I found out last night Bryan was not coming home and is gone on his regular two day business trips he has.

So, I wondered to his room, while the guys slept. Bryan's room was off limits, but I went in.

It was surprisingly spotless clean every thing tightly except for the papers on his desk.

I stop in front of the photos that sit on his burrow.

The first of him smiling with his front teeth missing as Daniel holds him up.

The next Logan and Loki sleeping in a crib.

The next Danny and Anthony fighting while Sky was smiling ready for the photo.

The last caught me off guard, though.

It was pushed to the way back, flipped down. You couldn't see it unless you really looked.

Curiosity, soon caught a hold of me and I flipped it over to see a woman laying in a hospital bed, holding twins, a girl and a boy with a big smile.

But, their was no mistaking who she was.

She was my mom.

This couldn't be right.

My mom had twins.

My breathing came out hash and hasher with each breath, and soon I felt like I couldn't breathe.

The next thing I knew I was on the floor next to a broken photo on the ground.

I feel like I can't breath, like their was no oxygen.

Then, I realized what was happening I was having a panic attack.

Soon, a memory over came me.

"Cleo it's mom. Can you hear me?"

"Mommy, ...I can't...breath."

Black dots started to fuzz my vision.

"Cleo breath into this, deep calm breaths."

The black dots fade slowly, and I seem to be breathing into a paper bag.

"Sweetie, if this ever happens again, I want you to get mommy and find a paper bag to breathe into. And, it if at all it gets anymore serious call 911."

I take off the paper bag.

"Ok, mom."

"I love you, Cleo."

"Love you, mommy."

The memory disappears.

I'm sorry, mom, your not here to call and I need answers.

I could barley breath, my breathes came in jagged, still. But, I needed to get up.

I get up with a hurting head and with barley any breath to see everyone , standing in front of me.

I looked over all the worried gazes until one caught my gaze.

Jay, stood staring back, because he slept over last night. His eyes saw through,me. I could feel it, my heart pounded harder.

Daniel broke my stare with Jay though, when he appeared in front of me.

When I felt wetness on my checks I could finally realize I was crying.

I was crying now, on top of my headache and hyperventilating.

"Please tell me it isn't true."

The boys looked at me like I was insane, but I knew Daniel knew what I was talking about.

"Cleo, your having a panic attack, your mother had these all the time."

I just needed answers, didn't he understand that.

"He was never my father was he?"

Daniel looked down at the boards.

The guys couldn't understand what was going on and I felt bad for them. They where in the dark too like me.

My breathing became worse.

"You knew, and you lied. I understand lying to me but your sons deserve the truth."

All the guys now looked at their father with questioning gazes.

"I don't belong here. I'm sorry, I belong with my little sister and mom."

The guys part and I make five steps, before the black dots swallows me and I'm out of breath.

My mind still won't stop though.

My mom lied to me my whole life.

My father was never my father.

And, I had another family and a twin.

I really, don't belong anywhere.

Third person

Jay watched as Cleo stepped. Her eyes filled with tears and betrayal.
He saw as legs crumble and quickly caught her in his arms.

Jay looked away from Cleo's face to see Daniel sitting on the bed clutching something.

It was the photo of Cleo's mom
holding the twins.

Daniel sat lost in a memory looking at the photo.

The boys still stood silent, not knowing what to make of this.

Sky made the first move.

He sat down next to dad and looked at the picture with him.

" Dad's she's my..."

"She is."

"Dad you can't keep all these secrets from us anymore."

Daniel leaned down and put his head in hands.

"I know."

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