9. And everthing gose up in flames

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This will start in Sky's view again.

(Sky's View)

My home was shattered, from the start. But we had had duck-taped it together and acted like it wasn't broken, that we didn't need fixing. What a funny lie that was.

"This is all your fault Bryan."

Logan yelled across the room.

Bryan became a dark shade of red that everyone knew too avoid.

"You didn't speak up so I don't see why you're yelling at me."

Logan became silence.

"You agreed with me so don't act like your innocent."

"I didn't want her to be kicked out to the street like a dog-

Logan gets interrupted.

"Then what did you want?"

Bryan yells over him.

I look away from Logan and Bryan arguing to see the rest of the boys.

Anthony and Danny fight almost as bad as the other two.

But, somehow Anthony kept calling Danny dumb and only muscle as Danny said Anthony was a just a stuck up robot with a stick up his ass.

What had happened to this family?

"All of you shut the hell up."

Everyone stopped and looked at the back of the room to where Loki stood.

I almost forgot about Jay when he appeared next to me.

Loki was red with tears about to fall.

This wasn't Loki.

Loki always had a positive spin on everything, never cursed, and defiantly never got this mad.

"You're all idiots. You are all fighting with each other trying to decide who to blame, not if we can actually find our sister."

Jay snaps his neck to look at me.

"What is he talking about?"

"Not right now, Jay."

I say harsher than I mean.

"She's your sister."

He screams.

Wow, that was a stupid move on my part.


I say kinda nervous of his reaction.
But, before he can react my dad rushes in.


Loki says in question.

"I got a call at work from Jay and rushed home. Is she really gone?"

Everyone nods.

He curses under his breath.

Dose anyone have any idea where she go?

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