7. Stop

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(Back to Cleo's view)

I woke up sweating. My hair sticking to the back of my neck.
I suck in air trying to catch my breath and then slowly I let it out.

I'm in my room. My new room.
It was plain. Blank walls except for over head my bed where I clipped pictures on.

I barley had anything, unpacked so their was boxes everywhere.

Sunshine filtered in through my one window, and then everything came rushing back.

I jump out of my bed, a headache meets me but I don't stop.

I run out the room and down the stairs.

I was sprinting and going way to fast.

And, of course knowing myself being clumsy and tripped on the second to last step.

I prepared for the ground, which never came.

"Sweet cakes, you know this is the second time I've caught you today and you haven't told me thanks once."

I open my eyes knowing the voice anywhere.

"Ass, I've been kinda busy."

He sighed and let go of me.

I landed hard on my but.

"Ow, Ass."

I get up rubbing, my butt.

He's frowning now with arms crossed.

I walk out stopping at the doorway.

"Thanks, Ass."

I walk into the living room where all the guys are.

All silence, like their waiting for something.

So, naturally none of them notice me.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking, what great brothers you are."

I joke.

The all stare at me as I plop down on the couch.

Most of them frowning.

Ok, ok maybe not the best time to joke about it, wow.

I didn't notice, Bryan was here till he spoke up.

"Where's dad?"

"I'm here."

He says as stepping inside the living room.

"Jays left, and Cleo's up, so now I guess I have to explain."

He sighed.

"I met your mom in college. She was focused, determined, yet still kind, and I fell in love with her. After, I asked her out the third time she said yes, on a date. Then, we where happy. She was focused on her career and me on mine. Soon we got married after we both finished college and together we opened up a business. It was wonderful. It was hard getting a business off the ground, so your mom worked a lot, and she never wanted children. So, when she kept getting pregnant, she kept getting pulled away from her work which destroyed her. I,feeling bad for her decided to stay home with you guys.After that, I barley saw your mother anymore. She got pregnant again and all she wanted was a girl. So, when they came out as twins and one a girl she was ecstatic to have a girl. By that time she had met Brad, who you thought was your father. He worked just as hard as her. Then one day, Bryan came home early from school to see her with him. I came home and he told me. Your mom denied all of it, but I listened to Bryan because I had my suspicions too. The next day I woke up. I went to the kitchen to find a signed divorce papers and a note saying she left and toke, Cleo with her and that I was never to see her again or her I. And, because all of you where to young to remember this except for Bryan I kept it secret."

My mind was in shock. Not one part of me could comprehend that my mom did all of this. That this was the same mom that I use to know, that hold me when I cry.

The boys looked as shocked as me, but Bryan, he looked at me with flaming eyes.

"So when I heard that all of you got in car crash I rushed over. Only to find out your mother had died that night, and Cleo was suppose to live with us now. So, when we told her your family died, I didn't want to add on to that, that they had lied to her, her whole life. But, you look so much like her..."

"What at Bitch."

Logan says.

"What mom leaves her children."

Danny says looking like a kicked puppy.

No, I couldn't hear this anymore.


I scream.

All the guys look at me. They all think my mom was a witch probably but she wasn't. She cared so much for me.

"Daniel I know you are probably furious at my mom for doing all of those things, for betraying you. Guys, I know you probably hate her for leaving you. But, she was my mom, she was caring and kind.
She was their for me, she was my home. So, maybe she made mistakes in her life, so she's human and she is still my mom. So, don't say another word about her."

"Funny because I grew up with her to and she could give a fucking care about me. And, you know what I think, I think she deserved to die. You can leave and run back to your wonderful life, because I don't want you here."

Bryan literally spat out venom with his words, and my heart broke to where their was no way to fix it.

My eyes watered as I look around.

All the guys wouldn't meet my gaze, but I could tell they agreed with him.

"That's ok, I rather be with my mom and little sister than here."

I turned trying to get out before my tears could fall.

I grab my phone and keys with shaking hands.

I then walked out the door watching my feet. But, once out the door I ran faster than I ever could.

I ran down the street. I ran and ran until I couldn't anymore and stoped at a children park.

No kid was playing in it though and the sun was going down.

I sat at one of the benches meant for the parents.

I was ready to cry now but my tears wouldn't come.

I called the first person I thought of.

Soon they showed up.

"Cleo what's up, why did I need to come pick you up?"

Then all the tears came flooding out and I couldn't stop them.

He soon was by my side, holding me as I cried it all out.

He was silent just holding me as I cried it out.

"I don't belong, here."

I mumble into his shirt. My tears probably wetting his shirt.

"Sweet cakes, that's where your wrong, you still have to set me up on that date, so you can't leave me."

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