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  • Dedicated to Addison Staples

Hey y'all, here it is, the first chapter of the story, and the longest chapter I have ever written. I still need an actual title for this, please leave comments with suggestions. but the longer I write this using the title I have, it grows on me. Anyways, enjoy.



I can hear her fists banging on the other side of the door and I know one of Rayne's infamous speeches is coming.

"There is nothing, Adam, nothing and no one who can keep me locked up and away from that front line," she emphasized this with a bang,"I will climb out the window or crawl through the trash or smash in the heads of whichever guards are stationed outside my door. There is nothing you, or anyone else can do to keep me from leading that army! I don't give a damn about tea or dresses or dancing, Adam, you know that." Could hear her starting to tear up,"I promised, we both did, that I would always have your back and I won't let you fight alone. You will not keep me from the battles." Now I know she is crying,"I made a binding promise and I have to keep it!" When she was finished I could see her shadow sitting on the other side of the door leaning against it. I sat down and leaned against the other side. I want to let her fight. I love her. And I do remember our promise. I miss the days when we made our promise. I think back to the day I met her, the day she was born, the day my brother met Melanie.

15 years before...

"Adam, get up," it was my brother Liam, his voice woke me up, and I opened my eyes on a view of Velaire. I watched out the windows of the train as the SPT slowed from its high speed trek.

"Its so pretty out there," I commented on the scenery. I looked around at the area of Velaire, the queendom just north of our kingdom, Dalerin. It was so green and colourful. There were fields filled with beautiful trees in bloom and cottages with grass and flowers growing on the roofs; that was just the countryside. The most amazing part was the city shining in the distance and the castle standing tall in the middle, its white walls reflecting the sun in all directions, bathing the city in all the colours of the rainbow. I noticed the train coming to a stop and I heard my dad say, "Liam, pack up your stuff, we have to get off soon." my brother had been working on his homework for most of the trip when I had been sleeping.

Once we wereoff the train and on the ground in the city I could see just how beautiful it all really was. There were elves running across the roofs and all over the streets, going to work and shopping and taking their kids to school. I watched the gnomes open up their shops along the busy streets of the business district, and the dwarves rushing about trying to make every plant in sight look perfect. The last people I see are the faeries, they fly in and out of the trees and around buildings so fast that i barely catch the glitter of their wings buzzing when they fly by. I used to wonder if I would ever be able to fly like that. My dad could and my brother could, even my mum could, but I couldn't, and I wanted to.

I felt my father's hand on my shoulder and realized that we were at the entrance to the castle. It looked bigger from here. Then again most things look bigger up close. I looked up and saw the tallest tower poking out from over the middle in the rear of the palace. I grasped my brother's hand and let him lead me through the gates. We walked through countless hallways lined with paintings and windows and doors leading to who knew where, until we reach a pair of large ornate double doors that led to the den in the queens quarters. We had come to meet the newborn princess. Our family had known the king and queen for years; they were in the same class at school, so we were often invited to these things, of course, we didn't make it to most of them because we lived on the south western coast of Dalerin and their palace was on the north west coast of Velaire so the flights were much too long for me to bear, but this was too important to miss.

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