Chapter I - Revival

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Azrael and Raul kill two agents

Azrael: Is this what holds you back brother? A bunch of weak minded fighters? Raul: There are tougher opponents than these, such as. Azrael: Abraham! He's been a thorn in my side for too long, well no more. Once we take this world over, they will all bow, to, me. With you on my side brother. Raul: We've been striking fear across the state for 1 week surely the dark force will catch on to us. Azrael: I have no fear of the dark force, I have nothing but hate for the dark force. Let's go brother we must leave this place now.

Dark Force HQ - Day

Abraham: Elena's gonna end up losing it. Ever since Kix died, she's been out of it. She hasn't been herself. Mitchell: Look at it from a bright side, it's really quiet here now.

Abraham shrugs it off

Mitchell: You know it's true, we don't have to listen to Kix's and Elena's lame attempts at hitting on each other anymore. Abraham: Actually it's been a lot quieter around the town, no wars, no busts, it's great.

A distress signal goes off

Mitchell: Uh hold on. Abraham: What is it. Mitchell: The reading is off the scale. Get the team together.

The team ready's up and heads out, moving carefully to the point of origin

Mitchell: Do you see anything? Elena: Negative. Mitchell: Well... whoever did this, isn't here anymore. Abraham: Yeah he is.... Raul. Mitchell: Oh come on.. you can't tell anything, stop bullin. Isaac: It's true, I've seen him do it before. Mitchell. No, no, it can't be he's dead, Elena killed him.

Mitchell looks at Elena

Mitchell: Right Elena.

Elena slowly nods her head from side to side

Mitchell: Come on Elena you had one job. Elena: Guess you can't catch them all. Abraham: Hey, he's not alone. Isaac: What? Abraham: There's someone else with him, I havent. Isaac: Abraham what's wrong. Abraham: I feel a presence that I haven't felt, in a long time, something sinister, something that can kill us all.


Raul: Abraham is on to us, it will not be long before he discovers us. Azrael: Are you scared Raul? Haven't I taught you nothing? We don't fear the enemy we make them, fear us brother. He will not discover our plans till I allow it. Is there anyone who can throw him off our scent? Raul No. We have one left but we can't do anything with him at the moment, they've arrested everyone else, except Kyle, but they know of his involvement. Azrael: You don't think I know that, I gave the order to hide him, Davis was a fool to let them into his base of operations. He was a loose end anyways. Raul: What are your plans. Azrael: To finish what our father could not, invade the UN.

Raul grabs Azrael

Raul: You should know out of all of us that his plan didn't work, for fucks sake Alex! You know that he was not able to step foot in the building without getting a damn bullet through the head. Azrael: Your right. He did fail, but I'm not my dad Raul, live and learn, live and learn.

Dark Force HQ Isaac is on the computer

Isaac: Hey Scott, check this out. I've been doing a scan of the past four days, every place that's been attacked has the same energy field, it's all Raul, but I don't get why he's doing this. Mitchell: Do you know where he's gonna strike next. Isaac: No. It could be anywhere, he's been doing this across the state. Mitchell: Is there a pattern to his attacks. Isaac: No, it's unorganized as you can get. Mitchell: Keep an eye on the scanner.

Shipping docks - Night
A bunch of agents are around the area when the lights cut prompting them to search the area.

Agent: Jake, Jake are you there.

The agent opens the door while Jake fall back getting stabbed by Azrael

Agent: Stop you are.

Azrael kills him
Raul comes in killing the other 3 agents

Dark Force HQ

Isaac: The signals back, sector E6. Mitchell: Well let's go.

Back at the shipping docks, all agents are dead on the floor while Azrael opens the back of a cargo van

Azrael: Look at all this money, if we want to go through with my plan, we need money, this will lead to everything my father wanted, the cartel was to be, so much more. Raul: We need to go brother, the dark force will be here soon. Azrael: Then take as much as we can.

Azrael and Raul take the money bags back to their vehicle

Azrael: If we are to succeed we need one thing, and that is my vision. Raul: Yours? Why not share the power, we will be stronger. We don't need dominance especially with what we're doing. Azrael: There's always two brother a master, and his apprentice, and you are the apprentice.

Raul draws his Saber

Azrael: Oh, so it's gonna be like that little brother, how about we start your first lesson.

A fight breaks out between the two but Azrael manages to beat him easily without drawing his saber.

Raul: You have grown really powerful brother. Azrael: You are from completing your training

Azrael gets off him

Azrael: I shall complete your training, and together we will destroy the dark force and rule the world with an iron fist, let's go brother.

Sometime later after Raul and Azrael leave Isaac and Mitchell arrive

Mitchell: Move carefully.

They come across an injured agent

Isaac: There's someone alive over here. You gotta talk fast Scott, he's fading. Mitchell: Who did this? Agent: Two guys, they both had red laser swords. Mitchell:A laser sword? Isaac: Shut up let him talk. Agent: I don't know what they wanted, they killed all of us Mitchell: Quit playing the pronoun game who did this?

The agent dies, meanwhile Raul and Azrael are in a car driving away

Azrael: Take us to the nivay sector brother, there we plan our final assault.

Dark Force HQ

Mitchell: Raul is up to something, attacking a dark force cargo fleet, looting it of the money, this isn't good. Abraham what you said about there being two your right, but we don't know who, he said they had a red laser sword, the hell is that? It doesn't matter, what matters right now is that Raul is out there and we are gonna bring him in, or kill him. Nick: Let him play with the outcasts.

Nick walks into the room

Mitchell: Room attention! Nick: As you were. Raul is no concern to us, he is only a petty criminal. Abraham: You're kidding me right? Mitchell: Abraham! Abraham: No, Mitchell. Haven't you've been paying attention the past year, he is FBI's most wanted, and you want us to treat him like he's nothing!? If I didn't know any better I would say your working with them. Mitchell: Abraham, At F*cking ease. Nick: What your are doing right now is highly treasonous. I'll let you go today Abraham, now I have personal matters to attend to, if you could all excuse me.

Mitchell: Yes sir.

Meanwhile while everybody leaves, Nick sits down and can't help himself but to have a sinister smiles on his face

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