Chapter XIII - The Ashla

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Elena: Son of a bitch. Abraham: What? Elena: What is this, seriously? When I enlistrd at the beginning of this year it was just us fighting cartels and now, there's a mad man who's not so dead after all out there, intergalactic space travel, zombie like creatures and now what, mystical space magic? Abraham: Calm down. Let's just see what happens

The trio returns

Serenity: Good, you have the crystal. Abraham: It's quite a story, so what do I do with it, how do I construct this weapon and what does the crystal have to do with it? Serenity: The lightsaber was the weapon of a Jedi many years ago, but they're almost all extinct. To stop the evil that is to come you must be ready, use the force and with it you will construct your lightsaber and destroy Azrael. Abraham: What, I don't know how, what, what is that I don't know what it means. Serenity: The force gives a jedi their power, it moves through all living things, the force... resides in you. Are you ready for your training? Abraham: Yes, I'm ready. Serenity: Good. Elena: Can we go, please?

The priestessessend Elena and Isaac back

Priestesses: Follow us. Abraham: Where are we going?

Abraham follows the priestesses near a water and see's his ship in the water

Abraham: Is that my ship? Serenity: Use the force to lift your ship onto land. Abraham: I'm sorry you want me to do what? Anger: Lift the ship now! Serenity: If you left it, then you can leave. Abraham: I can't, it's too Anger: Do it! Abraham: Okay!

Abraham reaches his hand out and tries to pull the ship out
The priestesses are shocked to see that Abraham is able to somewhat lift the ship above water but not enough and drops it

Abraham: Fuck! Serenity: What happened? Abraham: I can't, it's too big! Anger: I told you he wasn't worthy! Serenity: Enough! We shall continue with your training.

Abraham is doing a handstand and focusing on the force to lift objects beside him, running through the forest, and climbing up vines

Serenity: Use the force to enhance your abilities, but beware the dark side, anger, hate, fear, aggression, for they are from the dark side of the force, once you go down that path it'll be hard to come back, it'll take you off your path, your destiny, and it will consume you just as it has done to many others before. Abraham: Tell me, is the dark side stronger? Serenity: No, it isn't but it's easy to be tempted by it. Calm, Peace, Knowledge, these are traits that a jedi uses, for good and defense, never for offense. That is enough training for today, we will continue later.

Abraham is walking somewhere to rest when he feels a cold presence and sees mist

Abraham: What is that? Serenity: The dark side of the force, it's calling to you, and you must face it. Abraham: What, why? Serenity: No questions, trust in the force.

Abraham walks into the mist and gets surrounded
Abraham gets lost in the mist

Lady: Hello Abraham.

Abraham turns around and sees his parents, Gallus and Mara

Abraham: No, not again. Mara: It's us, the real us! Abraham: I just saw you on the cave in Illum. Gallus: Illusions conjured by the dark side of the force! Abraham: How do I know this isn't some dark side trick? Mara: As sure as the sun will rise. Abraham:... The light will bring us together again. How is this possible? Gallus: The force is powerful in this place. We're able to draw from and focus on the force to be able to appear in front of you.

Abraham turns around, having his back towards them

Abraham: I saw what you and dad did, killing all those people... that look on your face. Gallus: We did what needed to be done! Those people were traitors! They needed to be put down! Abraham: If I allow myself to go down that path, I betray everything I've been fighting for. Gallus: With power as great as ours, you don't need to fight! With a snap of your fingers you can squash your foes, kill your enemies with a mere thought! Mara: Become what you were destined to be, what we raised you to be, destroy Azrael and his cartel. Abraham: How? Gallus: Through fear, power, anger, hate, use your emotions to unlock your full potential.

Abraham backs up a bit

Abraham: You're just like Azrael's assassin. You are sith Gallus: We are greater than any Jedi or Sith. Abraham: I, I can't. I won't. Mara: You must, it is your destiny. Gallus: See the future, look what becomes of your world.

Abraham gets surrounded by mist as glimpses of the future flash in front of him

Abraham: No! I won't look!

Abraham starts seeing visions of death, destruction and an uprising as everything slowly falls apart
Fire engulfs his visions as everything turns to ash and rubble
The visions stop and Abraham falls

Abraham: Why, why would you show me this. Mara: Because its what you need to see Abraham. Gallus: There is only one way to save the future.

Mara reaches her hand out to Abraham

Mara: It's okay. It'll be okay.

Abraham just stays there thinking until he grabs Mara's lightsaber at her hip and lashes at them with the lightsaber, cutting them

Abraham: I'll never join you.

A tear falls down the side of Mara's cheek as she closes her eyes

Gallus: Then you shall doom us all.

They disappear into a wall of smoke that ends up surrounding him
Serenity and The Priestesses have seen everything from a distance

Sadness: Are you sure he is the chosen one? Serenity: He is, the one that will lead the people of earth to victory, but the road ahead is a long and perilous one. We must monitor and complete his training quickly, his future is clouded by the dark side.

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