Chapter IX - The Return

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Chase comes walking to the armory and see's all agents knocked out

Chase: What the hell? We got a code blue in the armory, send a medic now!

1 hour later

Mitchell: I need an update, what happened? Abraham: It was Azrael. He was here. Mitchell: Azrael was here, and you let him defeat you? Abraham: No one was even able to get a hit on him! He took us all out like it was nothing.

Mitchell: What did he take? Chase: We did a thorough search through the entire armory and nothing came up missing. Mitchell: What? He just came and left? I want this place on lockdown, no one comes in or out without you knowing, understood! Chase: Yes sir.

At Cartel HQ

Raul: Azrael, how did it go. Azrael: They're all pathetic, they didn't even present a challenge. Raul: Why didn't you kill them? Azrael: In due time brother, at the moment they're all weak, defenseless, and now they know they're no match for me.

Kix and Abraham are watching the security footage

Kix: How did he do it? How can we be beaten so easily? Abraham: Speak for yourself and what about Elena, she wasn't able to do anything before being thrown back. Kix: Hey, if you have a problem with how she fights, I'm the one who's been training her so if you have a problem you come talk to me. Abraham: Well, I have a problem with- Kix: I don't want to hear it!

Kix: I'm leaving. Abraham: You mean you're heading back to your parent's house? Kix: Yeah, well I can't stay here. Abraham: But you have a house. Kix: I need to check on my dad anyways.

Kix starts walking out

Abraham: Kix.... dont do anything you're going to regret.

At cartel HQ

Azrael: Our plan to continue father's plan is overly ambitious, we may have had our fallout, but I will prevail. Raul: Attacking the U.N. alone and without strategy is reckless. They will recognize you and put a bullet right through your skull! Azrael: No, we won't be alone. We will be helped by the galaxy's most dangerous and powerful criminals. There will be no failure, no missteps, we take this damn country or we die! Raul: How will we pull of such a task brother? Azrael: Fear, fear is the key, fear is power, with fear we will get what we want. Prepare yourself brother, we must be on our way.

Azrael, Raul, and the Dark Warrior are flying a plane

Raul: Where are we headed to? Azrael: Deacon City. When Javier's cartel went down the documents he held were never disposed of and it could end up in Dark Force hands or worse and they contained dossiers of our plan. Raul: So we're going to retrieve them? Azrael: Yes, and kill any who know of them.

The Dark Warrior Raul and Azrael arrive and see multiple agents guarding the building

Azrael: Dispose of them.

The Dark Warrior charges and knocks down 3 agents and stabs 1
Raul shoots down agent after agent
Raul and The Dark Warrior fight there way in after agent after agent get slaughtered

Azrael: Good, finding the plans shouldn't be a problem now.

Azrael gets to the room with the plans and see's and agent searching but kills him by throwing his saber at his chest

Azrael: Find the documents.

While searching for the documents they get interrupted as someone bursts through the window

The Dragon: Hold it right there! Azrael: A vigilante? No matter kill him.

Raul and The Dark Warrior attack The Dragon
The Dark Warrior swings with his saber but The Dragon evades and goes for a face punch but gets blind sided by Raul and both men start mud stomping him when Jason arrives and throws flash grenades
Jason goes for an attack but gets stopped by Azrael and pushes

Azrael: You have no idea who you're dealing with do you, I am Azrael, son of Carlos DeSantos. 

Jake punches Azrael put it gets blocked so he spins and gets Azrael in the side of his face with his gauntlet cutting him

Azrael: Argh!

Azrael starts shocking Jake causing him to pass out and fall leaving Azrael to think he's dead

Azrael: Let's go men, we got what we came for.

Azrael: Now with that out of the way and Abraham and his friends beaten, we can continue with Phase III of the plan, conjuring up an army of the foulest men in the galaxy. Within time... we will rule.

Kix walks to the front of his parent's house

Kix: Shit! I didnt want to be back here again.

Kix walks up to the door and hears stuff being broken so he barges in with his gun drawn to see his dad on the floor and his mother standing over him

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