Chapter III - A Test of Strength

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Elena wakes up alone
She tries to get up but she grabs to ribs in pain

Isaac: Hey you're up. Elena: How long have I been out? Isaac: 3 months. Elena: What!? Isaac: Nah I'm just kidding, it's only been 2 days. Revenge comes at a cost Elena, you almost died, you need to be more careful. Abraham told me to tell you he's set up a series of tests that you need. Elena: Tests?

Later in the training room

Abraham: Hey, you're up. I'm sure Isaac told you. Elena: Yeah, what's the tests for? Abraham: You need to learn to control your anger and rage, you think and act with your emotions, but not your mind. I'm doing this because I don't want you to do something that'll get you killed. Elena: I need to control my anger? Abraham: You nearly killed the person who killed Kix but we needed him for answers and you knew that.

In Raul's hideout, Raul pushes The Dark Warrior

Raul: Next time you try to turn me in, I will kill you and burn your dead body understand. Dark Warrior: Yes Raul.

As Raul is walking away The Dark Warrior tries to hit him in the back

Raul: I see it's time for a lesson.

Raul and The Dark Warrior get into a fight
Raul easily overpowers him

Raul: You are weak, sloppy. I would kill you now if we didn't have uses for you.

Raul starts walking away

Dark Warrior: I hate you! Raul: Good, start using your anger.

Raul starts shocking him

Raul: Give in to your hate.

The Dark Warrior gets up and starts destroying everything

Abraham and Elena are in the park ready to train

Abraham: Find your inner peace, let go of your hate, hate brings nothing but suffering. In order to achieve this level of serenity, you need to focus on your surroundings, and eventually

Abraham catches a ball

Abraham: You'll be aware of your surroundings.

Later Elena is practicing blindfolded with Abraham supervising

Elena: This is stupid

Elena takes off the blind fold

Elena: How is this supposed to help me keep calm. Abraham: Doing this keeps your mind calm and focused

Elena tries to strike Abraham but he blocks them all

Elena: This is impossible, I can't do this Abram. Abraham: It's only impossible because you have deemed it so. To overcome an obstacle, you need to understand the task at hand, don't let yourself be blinded by things of the world,concentrate on your strength, clear your mind.

Elena puts the blindfold back on
Dark Forces HQ

Isaac: There's ANOTHER attack across the state, whoever's doing this, I don't think he's stopping anytime soon.

Mitchell: At least we know it's not Raul or his acolyte. They have nothing to gain out of this nothing, no gain, no power. It doesn't make any sense.

Meanwhile Abraham is training Elena in the park

Abraham: Good your getting better at this, now hopefully you'll remember that next time... again

Elena and Abraham start using kung fu techniques to clear Elena's mind and to get her focused, half way Elena gets distracted and loses focus

Abraham: Shit! You are one angry girl. Elena: Sorry. Abraham: We still have a lot more to do.

Abraham takes Elena to the waterfall that's at the park

Abraham: Here we go, the waterfall should be able to calm you down, if you just lay here and fall asleep or something.

Raul's lair

Raul:: It seems I've hired the wrong guy for the job, if you were to end up dead, or end up in jail. The plan would fall down, this plan has been set in motion for 4 years. Don't let this go to waste, not now. It seems we need to consider your involvement in our plan. Your hanging by a thread acolyte, your on borrowed time.

Later at the park

Abraham: Hey wake up. Elena:... How long was I out? Abraham: I don't know about an hour or so uhh, I kinda ran out of ideas and this was kinda a last resort. Ok here's the deal, if you beat me you can go, but if I beat you we continue, deal? Elena: Sure.

Elena gets blindfolded but dodges everything thrown at her
Abraham moves in to fight but Elena evades all of Abraham's strikes and knocks him down

Elena: I did it. Abraham: Yeah that's great Elena. Elena: Are you ok? Abraham: Yeah, the student is only as good as the master, and I haven't taught you everything I know. Elena: You mean the master is only as good as the student. Abraham: What?

Elena punches Abraham

Abraham: What?! The truth hurts. Elena: Yeah, is that why I knocked you down right now. Abraham: Oh, come on I totally let you. Elena: Oh, bullshit. Abraham: There's no proof that you are able to take me down. Elena: There's no proof that I'm not able to either. Abraham: How about we never speak of this to the guys, ever and call it a day? Elena: Alright, but I still layed you out though. Abraham: Really?

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