Do Dreams Come True? (Doctor Who Fanfiction) *Edited*

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Ok so this is my first story ever, and I'm very excited and I hope you are too. This story is based on my dreams that I hope come true one day. First I'm going to tell you a little bit

about me. Just to clarify I am an American, I am thirteen, and I"m obsessed with Doctor who. I hope you enjoy this! please comment and vote if you think this has a future:) enjoy!



Hi, my name is Claire I am 17 and I live in America with my parents, and my brother Cole. I am obsessed with Doctor who. It's like my whole life. Every time I have, I'm quoting Doctor who lines, or making jokes. People around me think I'm crazy, and it doesn't exactly help when I say thanks when they do. Ever since I was little I've been the drama queen of my family, and Doctor who has inspired me to become a actress when I grow up. One day I know for sure that I will be on the set of Doctor who, and inspire others to be just like me.

CHAPTER 1 : How It All Began

My heart sank as I heard my alarm go off for school. I slid out of my bed like I did every morning, and walked down stairs like a zombie. My eyes half shut I grabbed a bowl of cereal. I really didn't want to go to school today, just not in the mood. Though that was everyday anyway Every body thought I was weird and didn't want to be around me. In a way it was my own fault I pushed people away with Doctor who.

'How one could be pushed away with Doctor who was beyond me' I said to my self as a girl walked away after looking at me like she thought I was crazy, or something. Finally school was over and I was on the bus. Staring out the window I thought I saw the TARDIS, but shacked it off and thought everybody was right, maybe I am crazy. I got home to find a message on the answering machine. I listened to it, it was a producer from a show I had found online.

See ever since Doctor Who I've been trying to get into small acting things. Such as commercials and extras in movies near by. The recent one that I've signed up for was for a commercial for a British airline. It was rather exciting because I actually have a part in it. I got to talk normally I didn't have that much to do and this one I would be. I was really excited about.

I jumped in excitement and screamed. I ran in place for a second, and then went to call my mom.

" I got! I got! I got! Mom I got!, I got the part mom I got! " I said nearly screaming into the phone.

"That's great sweetie good job." she said in that voice that moms do.

After I got off the phone with my mom I called my dad, and then my cousin Raina. We were

best friends best Doctor who buddies ever.

"I got the part!" I screamed

"OH MY GALIFREY!" She said.

We both started laughing really hard. Later in the week I went to the set to look at it, and meet the producer. I walked around till I found the producer. I said hi and thanks and walked back home.


"Run!" I yelled at the person next to me. His name was Nate, and his characters name was Tyler. It was first day on set and I was shaking with excitement. It was so much fun and so cool to have all my family and friends be here too.

"I still can't believe that I'm here acting. This was my dream and it's everything I could imagine."I said to Raina

"It sounds like it." she said I think she was a little jealous

"I really wish you could do this with me, that would be a lot of fun." I said smiling.

Four months later on set. The producer came up to Raina and I.

"Hey, Claire that was great! Your never guess what." He said

"Thanks, and what is it?" I asked with curiosity

"Well you'll never believe this but people love you. There are some people over in the UK asking if we can do a follow up commercial. The best part is, is that we would film it over there. " He said rather calmly. I screamed and so did Raina. We looked at each other and started laughing really hard. Then at the same time we said " WE'RE GOING TO LONDON!!!!!!!!!!"

Well did you like it? I hope this will be a hit cuz I really want to finish but why write if no one is reading? please comment and vote :) Doctorwhokitten14

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