The Beginning

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Bullying; Taunting, name calling, pushing, shoving, tripping, punching, rumors. With six older brothers, most people would think I wouldn't be a victim of it. But no one is immune to bullying. The first time I felt victimized was when I was 7. Most girls that age were dressed in frilly, pastel dresses with soft, pretty curly hair. I refused to let my mom dress me like that. My straight bleach blond hair was in a ponytail and I wore t-shirts and basketball shorts. I look back at pictures now and think of how much I've changed. I don't get bullied anymore, I stop it from happening to other people.

I was what most people would consider a tomboy. Up until freshman year of high school I dressed in "boyish" clothing and didn't have any friends that were girls. Girls annoyed me, all they seemed to do was gossip and try to impress boys. I was bullied constantly for the way I dressed and the way I acted. The worst part of all was that I let it get to me. I wouldn't cry, I'd take the bullying, then go home and wonder what the point of life was. It was a low point in my life. So low, I almost ended my misery in the summer before my first year of high school.

It was that summer that I turned pretty.

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