The First Makeover

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My doorbell rang and instantly I got butterflies in my stomach. I rushed down the marble staircase and into the foyer. I took a deep breath and opened the door, smile plastered on my face. A wide-eyed Paige gazed at my house adoringly.

"You live in a mansion?" She said with her sea blue eyes gleaming.

"I guess you'd call it that." I said with a quick laugh.

"You're house is gorgeous!" She said walking in and taking in the decor of the entry way. My mom is a renowned interior designer.

"Thanks, let's go upstairs." I said leading her up the grand staircase. She was gawking at the design of my house.

"Here we are!" I said leading her into my white and purple themed room. The carpet was a plush white, the walls were white with purple trim, my bedspread was also white with fluffy purple pillows, and two thin purple curtains were swept back to reveal my own balcony.

"This is breathtaking!" She said looking out my bedroom window. "I love your room!"

I lead her into my salon-styled bathroom, with my makeup and hair products neatly arranged.

I smiled, "Are you ready?"

"I think so," She said overwhelmed.

"Today our main focus will be hair and makeup, sound okay?" I said sounding like a teacher.

"Sounds good." She said with a smile.

I took in her light complexion and blue-green eyes. "Makeup first."

I started to work my magic beginning with a primer. I instructed her on what I was doing and I jotted down the products I was using as I went along. In 15 minutes I had turned a normal girl's face into that of a model. I looked up to see her staring at the mirror.

"So... What do you think?" I asked hesitantly. She's either going to love it or she's going to hate me for turning her into a Barbie doll.

A prolonged minute passed,"You are a miracle worker."

"Now, now this is just the beginning," I said now smiling, "We still have hair, wardrobe, and personality to tweak."

"How can I not be confident when I look like this!" She couldn't take her eyes off her reflection. I saw a tear start to form in her eye, "I never thought that one day I could be pretty. I try so hard, but no matter what I do I just can't stand the person looking back at me in the mirror."

I couldn't find the right words to say, so I just leaned over and gave her a hug.

She laughed, "Okay I have to stop. I don't want to ruin my makeup!"

Maybe girls aren't so bad I thought, "Ready for your hair?" I picked up a brush and started running it through her silky, long, blond hair. I sprayed in some curl-boosting spray and heat protectant, then I picked up my pre-heated curling iron and started to loosely curl her hair. I worked on it for a half hour turning her straight hair into beautiful wind-blown looking curls.

"How does this look?" I asked feeling much more confident because the second I looked at her, an excited smile broke on her face.

"You are amazing." She told me boosting my confidence that I was doing the right thing by giving her a complete makeover.

"Thanks," I said feeling quite excited myself. This was really fun! "I think we're done for the day, but make sure you practice what I just did at home. Tomorrow we can go shopping if you aren't busy."

"Yeah I'm not busy. I don't have many friends..." She said casting her eyes downward to look at the floor. My heart sank, remembering when I felt that same way; lonely, unloved.

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